First Kiss, First Word

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The clouds thundered just as Kieran stepped out of his car. His eyes effortlessly darted toward the sky. Lightning was striking among the chunks of dark mass as if telling nature was mourning too. He inwardly grunted and shut the door behind him, trudging toward his wing.

Once inside, he straight proceeded to the billiard room.

Mariano was there typing on his laptop over the snooker table when Kieran stepped inside. His ears were first to sense his presence as the door shut with a click.

"Capo," Watching Kieran striding inside, he straightened immediately. Kieran pulled his eyes at him before dragging them toward the unconscious figure who was crash-landed on the couch. With hands in his pockets, he plodded ahead. His eyes narrowly examined Enrique's condition. Still donning black pants and a shirt that had vomit stains on, his silk black tie hanging loose, his mouth slightly parted, his lips turned blue and his complexion pale. Overall, he seemed pretty wasted.

Mariano, too, stepped near the couch and clasped his hands behind his back. There were two transparent packets containing some leftovers of white substance and empty bottles of rum laying on the coffee table beside the couch. Kieran tilted his head and picked one of the packets.

He inserted his finger and pinched the powder over his fingers. Mariano felt like explaining, "These are the stuffs he took. Two fixes of coke and three bottles of rum," He revealed nonchalantly. Kieran's eyes coursed back to Enrique.

"All by himself?" Kieran's voice didn't express shock but the words did. This chipmunk really wanted to die.

Mariano side-nodded deeply. "All by himself," Kieran's lips twitched in a thin line.

"Did he look for your men?" Kieran enquired in a low voice, without bothering to turn to Mariano. His eyes were gravely staring at the half-corpse.

Enrique went out to one of the owned clubs right after the ceremony. As per Alessandro's words, he went out to 'clear his head' and was expected to return at midnight for the deed. Mariano was tailing him and kept sharing details with Kieran. Seemingly, this chump had a threesome rehearsal with a couple named Linda and Rocco. And this wasn't the first time he had it with them. The couple was his dirty little secret for years. Consigliere and his son didn't have the slightest idea the underboss was aware of his extra fun activities. Kieran had been keeping tabs on him for a long time.

"He wasn't thinking straight to bother," Kieran grunted and brushed off the substance from his fingers. He threw the packets back on the coffee table and turned around.

"Hm," He walked near the snooker table and poured himself a drink. Leaning against the table, he chugged a sip.

"You recorded the whole thing?" Kieran finished his drink and slammed the glass on the table. Though Mariano never let anything slip his camera, he still asked. This recording would be useful someday.

"Si, capo. I have everything covered," Mariano showed him a USB drive.

"As expected," Kieran mumbled thoughtlessly and stood on his feet to leave.

Mariano watched him getting away but before he could walk out, the right hand was quick to remind him. "Capo, tomorrow they'd need the bloody sheets and he isn't in his senses to consummate tonight, I thin..." Mariano trailed when Kieran swivelled around and fixed him with a stern glare.

"That is not your concern," Kieran gritted in a steely tone. Mariano's posture was cool but the bobbing of his throat gave it all. He couldn't grasp why the underboss took it the wrong way. His jaw was clenching and twitching as if he was controlling himself.

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