Giving Her

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His side of the story

His lips started working from her forehead and trailed their way down to her nose, cheeks, chin—missing her lips—and going further down to her throat till her bosom. His saliva marked the track as he halted between the valley of her breasts and planted an open mouth kiss that produced a sizzling noise. A low gasp eloped from her rosy lips. His heavy gaze seductively coursed back to her when he felt her fragile body shuddering under his lips. Her mouth invitingly wide open and arms hugging his neck a little too tightly. He was under her spell. His mind blown into euphoria and body heatedly aching for her.

He pulled a satisfied breath and loomed back to her face on his elbows. Her swollen chest flapping against his sturdy one. A faint smile appeared on his lips as he ran the back of his fingers between her pumping globes. His gaze followed the motion of his fingers and her rise and fall. It was a waterfall cascading between two rocks. The sight was erotic. Her soft skin felt so good against his fingers.

Her hot breath brushed against his left cheek and made his eyes return to her face. She was tantalisingly attracting him. This angel of beauty was beneath him, under his mercy, gasping and flushing like a truly shy bride that she was.

He closed his eyes and leaned closer to breathe in her fruity breath. She chewed strawberry chewing gum, he tasted the flavour the second his tongue massaged hers. The taste remaining on his tongue was drawing him closer and closer to have more and eventually he gave in. He took her lips again and cupped her right lump, giving it a little squeeze. Her bulge perfectly buckled in his palm. He kneaded it through the net fabric and sighed heavily through his nose.

He splashed on her mouth in a hungry manner. The more he inhaled her breaths and touched her softness, the more he felt like losing himself in her. She was tempting, like a sweet poison. He knew he shouldn't have been involved in her—in this trade deal—but he was in. He knew she was forbidden, born and chosen to serve for her brother's crimes but he couldn't stop himself from falling for this sin. He was going to touch her in the most intimate way. He knew it was wrong in every logic but none of it was enough to convince him otherwise. Over the time, he had been fighting it but there was no running away.

His mind recalled the day when it started. From that one picture.

He thought it was a mere infatuation when he saw her picture on his office desk last year. She was the first girl who reminded him of little Alisa. Her face exuded the same liveliness and optimism. This face stayed long in his mind but he preferred to forget her until she finally came in front of him in the hallway.

That moment he realised a few things— one being his mere infatuation turning into attraction. Still, he controlled. Still, he fought the lust, but then she unleashed her innocence upon him and there he lost.

The empathy over her features when she glanced at Aria's injury. The shyness in her eyes when he caught her spying on her friend. The kindness in her actions when that puppy was taking her last breaths. It was pulling him into a blackhole of destruction. Falling for his desires promised his ruination yet he risked everything. He was here, kissing her like he owned her, like she was his.

His hands began to move erratically over her. He deepened the kiss by sucking on her tongue while his hands stirred to remove this barrier of a jacket between them. He was getting demanding with his lips, his mouth was slurping on her mouth and was about to rip it off when she unbuckled her arms and pressed her palms against his chest.

Kieran opened his eyes and his lips eased on her. By that time, she jerked away from his mouth and turned her head to suck air. Kieran noticed her forehead was strained and lips trembling. Instantly, He realised he got rough with her. A voice in his head roared that she was a virgin. He had to take it slow.

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