Taking Her

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Her Side Of The Story

Adeline sucked a deep breath and nodded anxiously.

Her heart was jackhammering against her ribcage and her hands were very sweaty. Why? Because first, she had no idea what was going to happen and how her body would react and second, her vision was painfully restricted, all she could see was black, which rendered her mind hyperconscious. She was relying on her hearing and gut instincts. They had gotten super-cautious every time she would feel a movement around her.

Her shoulders tightened for the nth time when she sensed his body adjusting above her. A nervous crack of smile fainted on her lips as she registered his weight mounting her, his weight felt deliciously enormous. His toned torso was getting pressed against her soft stomach, making her feel his defined abs. With two thumps on either side of her head, she took it as his arms caging her frame between his biceps. They were loaded too, she got a chance to feel them when he was holding her waist. Those twitching muscles were grinding against her outer-thighs, killing her at that moment.

He was heavier, more muscular and delish more than she anticipated.

She couldn't imagine any touch could be this reassuring and relieving. Irene told her first night was a disaster and every first night tends to be, but here it wasn't seeming that case. He was handling every situation so well. By the methods of his manipulation, she could tell he was quite experienced but that didn't sulk her mood, she was already told these men had mistresses before their weddings to fulfil their needs. But as she was here now, she would make sure to do her best to fulfil her husband's needs in every way possible.

His minty breath fanned over her face, blowing a few strands over her forehead. She absolutely loved his hot breaths. Adele never thought it would be such a turn-on for her. And also, the scent. The same musky scent that was all over her this morning. First, it confused her how Enrique could smell like him, but then she thought maybe it was their signature cologne or he got a clue that she liked it so he...

Whatever the case was, she was impressed. First, it was all over his chest, now she had it on too as he rubbed it all over her, filling her nostrils and insides with blissful delight.

His perfectly sculptured lips again came for her mouth, slumping her shoulders in relief. She fisted the sheets and responded to his moves. Their tongues were smacking like blankets of sea waves merging together, blending in one. Though he was dominating her but she was feeling powerful and full. That reciprocal his energy was.

His tongue had a noticeable experience. Every time he kissed her, it was with insane passion, aggression, and satisfaction. She used to wonder how her first kiss would feel. And with all fantasies, she reckoned it to be imperfect and flawed but how wrong was she.

Nothing about these kisses was flawed.

If only, it was compulsive. His intensity was maddening. It was setting her insides on fire, burning her for more while at the same time, suffusing the cold goosebumps of pleasure all over her skin. His skilful tongue was addicting. Every stroke screamed of possessiveness, thirst and desire. Desire that his actions told was only for her. The way he grabbed her neck in a soft grip after kissing her to his heart's content. His lips pecked each corner of her mouth, it was so comforting, utter bliss. She loved that bomb of ecstasy exploding in her system.

She closed her eyes because by the softness of his kisses, she knew his eyes were also closed. The gentleness in touch spoke it all, clearly. Over one night, he made love to her body in various sensual ways that she never knew existed. His hands were always soft and mouth felt like heaven on her skin.

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