Not So Bloody Sheets

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First thing she heard was her deep breath as she blinked her eyes.

Worn out and overspent, Adeline took a moment to open her eyes, stabilising her vision at the ceiling. Every pore of her body was railing at aches. Her body didn't have the slightest grain of energy to move, yet somehow, she forced herself into sitting position. She hissed and grunted out in pain, biting her lip. Her muscles contracted protestingly as she outstretched her stamina. It was like her lower area was set on fire, the soreness was shooting up to her spine. He had been too rough with her.

Unsettlingly, she placed her weight on her hands that were on the mattress behind her back. Her gaze zeroed in on her surroundings and surprisingly, she found herself in a different room. This wasn't that red room but a milky-white themed room with light drapes passing abundant sunlight. Everything about it was lightsome and radiant. White bed, white sheets, white nightstands and dresser and also amazing aesthetic paintings opposite the bed-wall.

While checking the room out, her head dipped to her left. And to her disappointment, the other side was empty. She wasn't expecting that. Her brows knitted in confusion, mulling over when did he leave. There and then, despair overtook confusion. What had angered him so much last night? Did he not like her moaning his name? Most probably, he didn't. Adele felt downright stupid. She should have asked him his permission before screaming his name on top of her lungs like some low-grade whore.

Recalling last night's events, her fingers compelled to her lips. All those memories flashed back to her. Her moans, his grunt. Her clutching, his thrusts. Her heartbeat, his rough breathing. It all was so damn sexy. They were blending so well together. He was the master of what he was doing and she was happy to experience his passion. His body knew each trick all too well.

She sighed out. Her body suddenly started to crave him again, she felt needy of him despite knowing how brutally he went on with her in the middle. Even in his savagery, his moves were speaking a language to her. Something indistinguishable yet clear. He was stuffing his exclusivity on her by forcing his possessiveness, his every stroke was staking claim on her mind, body and even soul. His every thrust barked that she was his. A tight shiver crawled down her body as she relived that moment. It was so hot. And what was hotter was his growling mine every time he shot his seeds inside her.

Her lips sparked a dazed smile when recalled how he was calling her Lina every now and then. That name instantly became her favourite. Nobody had ever called her that and she would be over the moon if he would be the only one calling her with that.

She broke the myriad of her thoughts when her eyes darted on the clock. It read half past seven. Her eyes rounded, realising it would be breakfast at eight and she would get late if she kept on daydreaming about her man and his creative skills. Hissingly, she put her feet down. The ache intensified but she ignored and managed to drag herself into the bathroom.

Adeline discarded the black nightgown that she was sure he made her wear and tossed it in the basket while she staggered toward the bathtub. Her cheeks flushed as her imagination pulled strings of him slipping her into it. Only if he had allowed her to watch him, that experience would have been something else. She wondered how he looked last night, he must have looked like a fine creation of God. No doubt. Heat pooled in her swollen core as she reached the tub and pressed the button to fill the tub. As she watched water gushing out with divided attention, her eyes randomly flicked to the mirror opposite the bathtub. Immediately, her pupil dilated in horror seeing purple blemishes adorning her body. Patterns of hickeys all over her skin. Wretchedly, she stepped closer to the lengthy mirror and turned around to assess the hand marks on the curves of her waist and her hips. Asymmetrical lines of hickeys were prominent all over her bosom, neck, nape, the base of nape, stomach and thighs and even back. She scoffed out in astonishment. What did he do with her body?

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