Being Kind Has A Price

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Kieran was clasping the watch around his wrist as he headed forward, toward the dining room.

Doors parted away and he easily trod inside in his signature gait—that spoke of confidence, superiority and intimidation. Dominance unrolled in the hall and marked their way through the air and walls with his every step. Everyone watched him getting closer to the table—expect for a specific pair of greens that he was basically interested to attract. She just glanced and blinked away. It didn't sit well with his ego, still he displayed calm. His gaze met his father's. Both briefly nodded at each other. He strode to his seat that was right next to the head seat—his father's seat— beside the consigliere's. But he didn't settle before sneaking a furtive glance in her direction.

A waft of pleasure surged inside him as his eyes ticked on her frame. Fuck. Dangerously innocent. Those two words roared in his mind. His anger abated and adoration filled in. A crooked smile urged itself over his lips as he thoroughly checked her out but he didn't allow it. Her head was lowered, fingers intwined, tongue licking her lower lip. Damn, that sight. Instantly he began to thirst for that small mouth of hers. His gums started to excrete saliva as he reminisced her taste. Sweetly rich and refreshing. His heart quietly appealed to her to raise her gaze and let him see what he had missed last night, but to his unfortunate luck, she didn't comply. His gaze shifted to Mariano when the rumbling of the seat hit his eardrums. Pulling it out, Mariano settled opposite to him. Kieran blinked down and imitated his action impassively, seating himself. He tried a lot to not look in her direction again but his efforts failed. Craftily, he dragged his gaze back to her petite frame.

Ecstasy rushed through his heart as their gaze met for a fraction of second. Her eyes dilated in surprise and she hurried lowered her gaze to the white plate. Her eyes blinking in recurrently. How cute. His eyes darkened as her tiny gesture provoked his imagination.

His gaze trailed to her body. She was donning a black dress with her hair done in a neat bun. Her exposed neck was covered with fine layers of foundation but that still wasn't enough to cover those raging-purple marks on her skin properly. Those marks. Those hickeys that he gave her, that her skin was wearing like an honour was fuelling his pride. His chest immediately puffed with satisfaction. He was the man who marked the Devine's bride. His lips sealed her. And one day when everyone would know it was him, she would be able to sport those marks without anyone's fear. He would make...

Oh, really? You say so? But weren't you going to set her free after your plan?

A voice in his head ridiculed him, spoiling his mood to a very extent. He slightly rolled his eyes off her and unbuttoned his black suit-jacket down, huffing inwardly.

The butler served him and stepped back. He started eating his meal. His eyes again went to her as he couldn't control himself. She wasn't eating. Her plate was empty. A thin frown sat between his brows as he swallowed the morsel. That probably would be Devines. He quietly finished his plate and made a mental note.

As he was cleaning his lips with napkin, he heard mumbling over his right shoulder. It was Alessandro and his wife mumbling in each other's ears. Veronica eventually stood up and went out, leaving thick air behind. Something was wrong or going to be as he predicted. His gut feeling could feel it. His phone buzzed and he took it out. It was Dr. Bianchi. The test results were out and he was asking for a meeting. Kieran replied and put his phone back and by that time, the main doors slammed open.

Veronica barged in. Kieran's gaze steadied on her and immediately hardened as he watched her fuming and storming toward Lina with the tainted sheets. His soul jerked when she slapped her. Lina was too astounded to process that she was slapped. She hissed when Veronica fisted her hair and hurled her on the floor. Kieran's hands flexed in a fist under the table. Blind fury erupted out of him, blazing his body. His ears reddened and veins popped out as his muscles constricted. The resonating sounds of slaps were pushing him on the verge. He was grinding his heels against the ground to stay rooted to his spot otherwise his hands wouldn't stop before killing this black-haired bitch on spot.

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