Always Be Yours Or His?

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Adeline sighed defeatedly and dropped her shoulders. Closing her eyes, she heard Mia's heels walking behind her, bringing the black silk blindfold to her eyes and wrapping it around. Again, her vision was going to be restricted when she would meet him. Adeline scoffed inwardly. She desperately wanted to see her husband's face tonight. The morning had been heavier and she knew the only person who could better her mood was him. His eyes, his scent, his arms and his warm kisses. She needed to see him, feel him...all of him. But again, his orders couldn't be violated either. If he wanted to meet her this way, she would have to regard his words. There had to be no questions asked or no answers advocated. She was taught better than to defy him.

"Done," Mia announced when done clipping the blindfold and gripped Adeline's wrist. "Let's go," Sooner, she started taking Adeline out of the room. Adeline followed her cluelessly and halted after a minute only when she did. A knock resonated in the air, heightening Adeline's senses. Adeline breathed out and felt a shot of anxiety melting in her bones. She squared her shoulders and puffed her chest out to picture herself prepared and content to meet him.

The door opened.

Thick layer of silence engulfed the air for a moment. Adeline had no idea what his reaction was. She wondered if he was delighted or excited to see her, like she was. She was smiling to feel more appealing. But the silence, it was telling something else.

"Signore, tu?" Mia spoke in Italian all of a sudden. Her tone held evidence of shock. Adeline's head slightly creased a frown.

"Il signore non è arrivato. Mi ha detto di riceverla," An unfamiliar gruff voice replied in a thick Italian accent that instantly stripped Adeline's smile and raced her heart. She couldn't understand a word but guessed he was explaining. He was standing over the door, a foot away from them, she could sense his eyes on her. (Sir hasn't arrived. He told me to receive her)

Mia hummed approvingly and pulled her hand, dragging Adeline inside. Adele anxiously sailed in and felt like passing by a heavy presence. His eyes were still on her when she stopped once her calves pressed against the footboard. An awkward moment later, the door went closed and the heavy gaze was gone but she couldn't say if the man left. Also, she wondered if there was Enrique in the room or not.

"Is he here?" Adeline asked anxiously, rubbing her palms together, asking about no one in particular. She pushed her senses to feel the presence around but his scent wasn't dominating the room like yesterday.

"You mean my boss?" Mia led her toward the bed and sat her. Adeline's head jerked when a heart-stopping noise occurred by an object dropping on the floor. Mia cussed and picked the thing up. Adeline, who was hyper-focusing on detecting any sound, was breathing heavily. Mia sensed her discomfort.

"It was my phone and no one is here except for me and you," Adeline breathed out and her body loosened in response. The fact she was in a vulnerable position without anyone having to count on was drowning her heart. She didn't feel safe.

Mia spotted tightness in her muscles. "You can relax, there will be no one in the room after I leave," She responded, her heels clicking away.

"You are leaving?" Adeline asked without thinking much. She was nervous to be alone.

Mia didn't say a word. Only the sound of the door opening and closing door replied to her question.


Kieran arrived half an hour late.

An important work had shown up and he had to pay a visit. Somehow, he managed to hand the rest to Mariano and came back. He was dying to see her, as much as he tried to deny it, but he couldn't control himself anymore. He tried every method to stop thinking about her, but they weren't enough. The more he'd try, the more he'd end up thinking of her. Moreover, his concern was growing regarding her. The morning's incident must have had her in a bad shape mentally and he knew she needed someone. So he had to be there.

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