His Sapphire Deserves The World

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Alex groaned wearily the moment he woke up from his sleep. The headache-boosting ringtone of his phone resonated across his ears, making him stretch his hand and grope for the phone. Without bothering to check the caller, he took the call.

"Signore, signore," A panic-stricken voice of one of his men erupted from the other side of the line, subsiding the alcohol effect in Alex's system. He gradually opened his eyes and hissingly, turned his gaze at the clock that showed 5:15 in the morning, to be exact. Alex furrowed and got irked by his displeasing intrusion.

"What the fuck is wrong with your head, Hugo. Don't you have a clock?" Alex spat. Couldn't they spare him peace for one night?

"Signore, it's madam," Of course, it was.

Alex groaned again and sat up on the mattress, scratching his head. He could guess what was coming next. She must have bugged all his men when he didn't pick up her calls. To be honest, he wanted space from her. Her constant clinginess was grating on his nerves. He already had started feeling like an old boring man because of her over-possessiveness.

"Don't start with that, Hugo, I am not in a mood," Alex used a bored tone, slightly stirring the woman sleeping beside him. He threw a short glance at her and rolled his eyes. Leaping out of the covers, he walked to the bathroom.

Alex was about to cut the call when the man broke, "Signore, it's...she committed suicide this morning,"

He halted in his steps, dumbstruck in a boult. His foggy senses refused to take it in for a moment.

"The fuck you say?"


Adeline stared out the window of the private jet. Tired and huffing, she slumped against the backrest. They had just boarded. From 'they' it meant—she, Enrique's boss and his right-hand. Enrique couldn't make it because of his mother's demise. It was a tradition to visit the dead in the morning for three days. Her heart was aching for him. She wanted to be near him in this tough time but he simply refused her company and commanded her to leave through Mia. This indeed had hurt her but disobedience wasn't a choice.

Staring at the setting sun, she realised the exhausting day was ending. She closed her eyes and recalled the conversation she overheard at the churchyard during the burial of the corpse.

"What does the post-mortem report say?" One woman asked the other woman. They were standing in the forefront, behind them stood Adeline who was staring at the closed casket and beside it was Alessandro; kneeling and weeping with a paper in his hand. The paper was said to be a goodbye note from Veronica.

"I and Dr. Ricardo examined her body. We think she jumped from the roof and fell on her face and hands. Her condition was terrible. Her features were completely disfigured and 42 of her bones were crushed, literally crushed. And her fingers, they were the worst, you wouldn't even want to hear about it. I don't understand what made her do it," A silent tear slipped from Adeline's eye. She couldn't fathom why her heart was aching with guilt. Yesterday's events were skirting in her head. Her shouts, her glaring, her threats. Adeline discreetly believed it was who God punished her for all that.

She looked up at the sky and quietly asked Him why he punished her so badly. She didn't deserve to die because of it. Her life was precious.

"Could it be possible that someone murdered her?" Adeline's eyes widened and darted at the woman's ear who questioned it.

"We thought it could be a murder case but there were no signs of struggle, scratching or poisonous substances in her stomach, so we can't say much about it and nor can we spread this rumour but...it could be," The other one replied.

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