So Close Yet So Far

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Her day started at quite an odd hour. It was daybreak. The poodle was pacing around the room when he heard a bird chirping. His attention directed toward the window and he barked. His tongue lolled out in happiness when he saw birds dashing here and there. He pounced on the windowsill in anticipation to catch them and his furry head bumped into the glass every time he tried to reach them. As he gradually understood the problem, he charged toward the bed and crawled to Adeline.

The sleepy girl had no idea that two little paws were on her chin, trying to wake her up. Adeline groaned in her sleep and swatted the fly that might be buzzing around. The pup took it in his offence and climbed on her chest. The mounting pressure over her upper-body made her gasp in her sleep and she flipped to the other side, taking the baby creature with her, in her arms. The pup furrowed and glanced up at the sleepy human. A small grunt blew out of him when she squeezed him thinking it was her pillow. He let out a small whimper as she snuggled her nose in his furs. She sighed peacefully in her slumber, not knowing what she was doing to the poor thing. When it became too much, he started thrashing his paw against her chest. Her eyes immediately opened and she groggily glanced down at those big marble-like eyes glaring at her with sincere accusation.

There, she realised her misdeed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry," she released him and in a flash, he dived out of the bed, whining.

She huffed loudly and shook her head as she sat on the mattress for a few seconds. Once the haziness got clear, she hopped out of the bed and started the day.

After getting freshened, she decided to take him out in the garden to poop-train him. She stepped out of the room and as presumed, lost her way. She met no one without the journey, everyone must have been sleeping. The poodle barked as they stepped down the stairs. Adeline alarmingly shut him up. She had no idea which route led to which door but somehow, managed to reach a scullery that had a door leading toward the exit. Reluctantly, she opened the door that guided her to the backyard of the mansion. Her eyes sparked in wonder and roamed at the greenery. It was none less than an extravagant lawn; well-maintained and garnished flawlessly with various varieties of plants and flowers.

With admiration in her eyes, she walked ahead. The sunlight beamed on her face when she reached the middle. She narrowed her eyes and glanced in that direction. Dim daylight and windy air of January, the contrast was striking its appeal to her. She took a long breath and smiled brightly.

She swivelled around with folded arms when the poodle woofed happily. Her smile widened as she watched him paddling around the outskirts of the lawn like a little landlord. His nose was working in order to find a spot to mark his territory.

Once he was done pooping, he trotted back to her.

Adeline ruffled his hair and chuckled when he held her legs while panting excitedly. He had eaten before coming here so she knew he was good to play.

"Okay, okay, let's see how fast you are," She cooed to him and flung the ball that she was in her hands. The poodle, in all excitement, barked and chased the shot.

Both duo were so engrossed in playing that she didn't realise they were being observed by someone a few lengths away.

Kieran strode out of the study room when his eyes mistakenly fell over her frame. He frowned and stepped closer to the large window to confirm that he wasn't hallucinating. He raised his wrist and read the time. What was she doing here at this hour? A mild smile formed over his lips as he watched her playing with the present he gifted her. So she liked it. He lazily observed and pulled out his phone. Mariano came out of the study room, dragging a dead body as Kieran dialled a number. He spun to his heels and signalled him to not use the usual route. Mariano got confused but his eyes caught the figure sprinting in the lawn. He nodded and lifted the dead man in his arms and strode away.

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