A Game Two Will Play

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Kieran stormed into his room and hurled the suit-jacket on the bed. His pulse was ticking. He was seething mad to see that bastard with his father. What the fuck were they doing here and that too, without announcing it to him. He hurled away his tie and fumed in fury as he sat on the edge of the bed. He was dying to be in her room to cage her under him when all of a sudden, they ruined it for him. It wasn't that he couldn't go there, he feared no one but still it would be a risky business, considering that the pest itself was in the house and his father's suspicion could be a stone in his path.

He fished out his phone and stared at her number. His fingers were itching to type her a text telling that he was coming to her but he resisted.

Sighing, he tossed the phone on the bed and stood up to leave for the bathroom and take care of his erection. Just as he walked a step away, his phone rang.

Gritting his teeth, he shot a glance and picked it without bothering to check.

"Maximo is expecting your presence in your office," Mariano informed from the other side.


Half an hour later, Kieran trudged toward the office room and smoothly opened the door. Barging in, Mariano shut the door and stood out of the office door, guarding.

Kieran confidently trod ahead and seated himself with one leg over another. Maximo, on the other hand, was sitting behind the desk. His hawk-like eyes were studying his son from head to toe. Like always, he wasn't giving anything to suspect odd. Sighing deeply, he rested his back against the backrest and puffed the cigar.

"You called for me," Kieran initiated coldly, fingers entangled.

Maximo continued to smoke and crushed the butt in the ashtray. Kieran waited for the silent treatment to end with a stoic face.

"That girl," He pointed toward a wall over his right. "What was she doing with you?"

Kieran knew this was coming.

"I introduced her as my fiancé to the Russian consigliere," Those words rolled out without a stutter and somehow left a sweet taste in his mouth. His fiancé, he could imagine her as that.

Maximo rose his brow.

"Your fiancé?" He scoffed. "Do you know what will happen if the Irish clan gets wind of it?" He hoped his son could see the bigger picture.

"It's for their daughter's safety," Kieran retorted, detangling his fingers and putting his fist on the desk.

"She doesn't need your safety to say the least, Kieran. It's you who might need it if she ever finds out. You sure are underestimating her capabilities," Maximo leaned forward and tried to knock at his senses. That woman was a renowned assassin, a merciless killer in the market. If anyone needed protection it was her enemies from her. She was a woman like no other. Perfect match for his son which he apparently couldn't see.

Kieran tilted his head. His face graver than before. "Even if I'm oblivious to her expertise doesn't mean she has balls to beat me, I know for a fact she can't do shit to me," Kieran retaliated with a tight jaw. Maximo fumed irritably and sat back.

"Time will tell you that," Silence thickened between them as Kieran continued to glare dagger at Maximo. He took out another cigar and lit it. If only that man knew what actually was coming.

"Whatever your situation is with the Russians, I want it sorted. If they don't agree on our terms, I have no problem waging a war again, but this time, I don't want to lose Romania to them," He shut his eyes and enjoyed his second puff as his head tipped back.

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