I Would Bleed For You

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Adele tapped her foot as she nervously waited for them to join the car. Her heart skipped a beat when her peripheral vision clapped on a silhouette. She turned to the window and watched his boss and Mariano approaching the vehicle with daunting steps. Gulping, she straightened her posture and prepared herself.

The bald guard opened the door and those two big bulks slid in. The air instantly morphed dense and demanding. She breathed out anxiously when the boss took a seat beside her while Mariano settled opposite them. Nervousness stabbed her spine whenever their shoulders caressed momentarily because of the boss stirring while adjusting the pillow behind his back. She scooted a few inches away to avoid the friction and pinned herself against the door. Kieran didn't like her gesture. If anything, he was aching to pull her in his lap.

Her eyes flicked at him when she heard him sighing sharply. Like always, he was fuming and that fazed her yet again.

Adeline had started to dislike him because of his demeaning attitude. Every time they went together, he acted like he was on the verge of a blow-up. Why would he even ride with her if he detested her this much?

She twitched her jaw and turned her head the other way. The chauffeur fired up the engine and rolled the vehicle to its destination before she could step out of the car.

Adeline's gaze stayed outside for long to compose herself. Her thoughts were close around this morning and Enrique. Her stomach dropped for the umpteenth time every time she wondered how he must have felt when the capo dei capi commanded her to escort his son for tonight's party. She knew he couldn't stop them, nor could he express any objections. And that all would later on come on her. Her heart whispered he would be furious in bed.

She averted her eyes from the window and reached for her clutch to produce her phone to text him. It'd been hours he didn't message, just sent her this dress through Daisy. For a blink, her eyes darted at her bare knee that was peeking through the masterful cut of her black dress. Something ticked in her mind and she threw a furtive glance at the boss' attire. Turmoil filled her heart when she grasped as to how his attire was complimenting her appearance. They were looking like a believable power couple. What broke her more was the fact her husband sent her this dress to look pretty. She was looking pretty for another man, and that perturbed her. She just hoped he wouldn't feel broken or betrayed if he would see them together at the party.

I can't wait to see you tonight. Love you.

She sent the message and bit her lip. She herself didn't know why she wanted to confess to him but her heart felt at ease after doing it. She checked her phone every now and then for a reply but he didn't see it. She sighed and gazed back at the window.

Long minutes later, they finally reached a private property that was enclosed between mountains. Looking none less than a castle, they merged inside. Her gaze curiously followed the length of land as the call zoomed inside the estate and pulled up in the driveway. Valets stepped ahead to open the door before Kieran's men could reach.

The boss was first to step out in all finesse and elegance while the rest two followed suit. Kieran buttoned his jacket while surveying his surroundings and swivelled around as Adeline stepped out. She collected her dress and alighted. Her gaze flukily raised and met his, the off-guard interaction stunned her out of intimidation. His scorching grey eyes were burning holes in her face. Her heart beat accelerated and she blinked down, feeling more than nervous. She could still feel his gaze lingering on her. Adele tried to calm down but with each passing second, her breaths were getting stolen and the surface of her cheeks were heating up.

After swallowing the underlying panic attack, she straightened her dress. She nearly stumbled when he stepped closer and extended his hooked arm for her to take, while he continued staring at her face. Her heart clenched in uneasiness but she took his arm. She again glanced up and was thrown off balance by the collision of their gazes. This time, he wasn't glaring at her. His pupils were dilated and his greyish orbs betrayed softness. It wasn't a lot but enough for her heart to stop thumping madly out of his fear. He looked lost in her and she, too, got carried away in that moment and studied his features. Adele wasn't much well-versed in male-beauty but she knew this face was worth giving heart-attacks. Even though she didn't want to admit it but he was handsome. Regardless of having sharp features and a death-glowering look all the time, people could actually like him.

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