You Feel It Too

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His men were dispersed all around their table, creating a circular shroud of shields while sniping at the attacker in an attempt to gun him down. Adeline had her palm plugged in her ears and her heart bursting against her ribcage as the blaring noise of gunshot only evaluated her fear each second. With every tick, the shelling noise heightened. Every moment she dreaded a bullet in her head, every moment felt like her last yet somewhat her heart was at peace as if it knew she was in safe arms and these arms wouldn't let any harm reach her. How absurd this impression was but every pore of her being was promising her that, and she, in the fear of the situation, actually chose to accept it even though she didn't believe it.

She shuddered and yelped involuntarily when a gunshot holed through the table cover and nearly hit his boot. Kieran tightened his hold around her body and hid her face in his chest. At sudden closure, she gasped scandalously and tried to create a decent space between them but another gunshot hollered and she lost track of their proximity, getting reckful to all turbulence.

Ultimately, she decided to loosen herself and slanted her face, setting her cheek across his thumping heart. That. That brought her tranquillity. Patent serenity that brimmed her full with trust. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Bringing her ear over it, she zeroed in on the rhythm of his heart and tried to sync with its tune that murmured a lullaby. His heart beats were communicating with hers and she, unknowingly, understood it all. Goosebumps rushed through her body as she kept listening to it. It was relieving. Odd but actually relieving. The sensation buoyed up her moral strength. She couldn't believe something like it was happening. It was indescribable yet true. But only a while later, when she realised how unethical it was to seek peace in a strange man's arm while being married to someone, she opened her eyes and reluctantly retracted her ear.

And seconds later as the guilt suppressed her other senses, she stirred in his arms and tried to push him away. But he, with no intention to go free on her, glued her back to himself. The girl had no clue that this vicinity wasn't only therapeutic for her but for him too. Maybe he needed it more than she could imagine.

He brought his hand to her head and gently caressed her hair thinking she was in hyper denial. As much as she wanted to refuse his overtures but she needed this comforting touch, so bad. The light strokes of his callous fingers were oddly reliving her while she was flabbergasted as to how he was behaving so sweet with her. His capricious behaviour was confusing but it was only for a few moments. He would be indifferent once this all would end.

Though, his grip never slackened on her despite him being in immense pain. Suddenly, she remembered he was bleeding. Anxiety kicked back harder than ever. She glanced down at the blood that was thickening beneath her feet. Her wavering eyes flickered to him. He had his eyes slightly squeezed as if trying to beat down the pain. Her heart cracked. Seeing his blood plenteously oozing out of the bullet wound, it worried her, because things could go bad if they wouldn't treat it anytime soon.

Helplessly, her gaze shuffled in all directions to search for something useful. Apparently, nothing was there to assist her except for escaping. Kieran opened his eyes and clutched her back when he sensed her leaning away from him.

"We need to leave, you are hurt," Adeline turned to him and said. He didn't speak a word, only continued to stare at her which made her think he didn't catch up on her words.

"I am trying to look out for a way, we can't stay here for too long, you are losing blood way too much," She shouted in a concern-laced tone that hit home. His pupil dilated promptly and betrayed happiness while she turned around to peek out for her satisfaction. A faint smile pasted on his lips as he deduced he liked it. Her worrying for him. It was actually exciting. He could take many bullets if she would give him this reaction every time. His heart did another backflip and watched her desperately calculating for a safe route. She was trying to save him. He could find a million ways to get out of here but only he chose not to. He could bleed for as long as time would allow him to be with her.

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