Wet Bet

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Things had been weirder for her ever since that interaction with Enrique's boss. She couldn't believe she had felt this way for another man. For another man, how embarrassing that sounded to her own ears. She was the one who was mentored to only have feelings for her husband. He was supposed to have her dead end, her sole purpose of heart, body and mind. There was no space for a stranger. Especially not a man who was exceptionally intimidating and apathetic toward her. Frankly, he didn't even like her presence and she was attracted to him, how absurd it was.

She shook her head in disbelief and glanced down from her face to the dresser through the mirror. Even if he did like her presence, there was no way she could think about any other man that was not Enrique. Enrique was her be all, end all.

She facepalmed and groaned. Despite every logic she had been trying to give herself, she was failing in convincing herself. It had been a week and she couldn't forget that incident and embarrassment that came along with it.

Loosening up her tight shoulders, she heaved a breath and glanced up to give herself a last glance before she turned around and left the room.

Walking down the hallway, she looked out through the window. The weather was significantly mild and pleasant. More so, since she had isolated herself in room from that day, her activities were limited. But today, she decided to step out. She realised she couldn't hide any longer. It would only eat her brain more. There was so much stuff going on in her mind that if she hadn't spent time outside in nature, she would lose her sanity. She reached the backside of the estate where she noticed a pool was installed while playing with Coco—the poodle.

She was wearing a skin-tight navy swimming suit that covered till her knees. First, she was cautious about wearing it because of Mrs. Karla's words but after all the men left for work, she took the chance. It wasn't like she was drawn to attract unwanted gazes, she needed some meditation and water had one way for her.

She strode close toward the pool and halted beside the pool-ladders. Her gaze fell on the light waves of water floating above the surface. With a smile, she unclipped her hair and swayed her head to detangle her tendrils. She closed her eyes and tipped her face toward the sky. Fresh bulks of sunlight bathed her milky-white skin with the dim heat. Warmth embraced her and provided her with some comfort that she had been seeking for days. How many had it been...

Only once her body loosened up under the rays, she pulled a deep sigh, curled her arms toward the sky and dived into the pool.

Water loudly splashed around her body and along with it, she entered the underside world of water. The mass of it scurried her deep into the lengths. With each moment, she drew close to the endpoint. She relaxed herself and let the force drag further down. Curling her fists and squeezing her eyes, she focused on her hearing instincts. Silence. Only a quiet whistle was around her. She was quick to block all noises around her that were burdening her. That brought her peace. It was like the waves of water talked to her in its own words. She parted her eyelids and watched how it was like to be in a state of calmness. She glanced up at the sun rays that were vaguely surpassing the tideway and falling on her face. Immediately, she started taking up on serenity that she had been seeking from everywhere in the past week. A smile crooked on her lips and just in that moment, she closed her eyes again and did what she planned to do.

She prayed to God for a sign.

She let her heart ask for answers. Many had said that God lived in the hearts of people, today she wanted to witness it for herself. Rebecca once prayed for a boy and she got him. That time this method of praying sounded nonsensical to her but right now, she was desperate to know. She was trying it out.

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