Never Letting You Go Again

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Her silent weeping turned into floods of tears. Every mile back to the mansion was playing havoc on her heart. She cupped her face in her palms and sobbed more for God knew how long. The trauma played and replayed in her mind. She was abused, helpless and trapped and worst of all, there was nothing she could do about it. She snivelled when the car came to a halt. With red-rimmed and scorching eyes, she craned her neck and looked ahead to find out that they had reached the forefront of the main gates. Tears again killed her sight. She was back to her jailhouse, one where she once felt safe and secure and now, nothing close to it. That all was a delusion. It was a facade and she believed it so blindly. She wept more.

Kieran, with strained jaw and knuckles turning white due to fastening around the steering wheel too firmly, rolled the car inside and received her outcry with a critically apathetic contour. Though, there was a storm brewing inside him. As much as her wailing was paining him, but her accusations were gritting on his nerves too. His mind was continuously recalling the moment when she called him 'her rapist'. That made him ground his teeth. He knew however she was taking this scenario was her perception but he couldn't stop detesting that specific memory.

That's the least he wanted to be called. Her rapist.

He didn't rape her. When he. For once, didn't treat her wrong, how could she accuse him of that? He never forced, demeaned or brutalised himself on her. He never made her his pet. He never did what men of his blood would do, then why could she call him a rapist, a monster? His jaw clenched even though he understood she didn't have the foggiest idea about how being raped would feel like. But he knew it.

He had seen it. He had seen women being fucked and thrashed to death. He had seen how men treated them like an object, like their personal pet. They would take out their frustration as if those women were some lifeless dolls. Hell, he had even seen his mother getting that treatment by his father who claimed to be irrevocably, endlessly in love with her. That earned a hot fume from his nostrils. His inside was tempting to scream and drill into her mind that he wasn't like his father. He would do nothing to hurt her physically. He wanted to prove to her how devotedly he was in love with her and how right he would treat her despite what he was attempted to be taught.

With a smooth jerk, the vehicle halted.

Kieran, calmly, unbuckled his belt and alighted the car, rounding to her side, he opened the door for her and with an expressionless face, expected her to read his eyes that pleaded her to step down.

Adeline glanced his way and crumbled herself in a ball just when he opened the door. She brought her knees closer to her chest and wrapped her arms around. Kieran glanced straight into her eyes and blinked dead, his gaze holding sheer sternness and a lowkey warning that she could see clear as daylight but still refused to comply. He stepped ahead and she flinched back, pinning herself into the seat. His movement faltered for a snap but before that could be obvious, in the next movement, his one arm snaked under her thighs and other went to her back, lifting her up.

"No, don't...stop...leave me...ahh..." She stiffened her body in his hold and pushed him away with her tiny fists over his chest but the man didn't budge an inch. She used her legs but that also didn't work much in her favour. He, effortlessly, kicked shut the door behind him and strode inside the mansion. Adeline screamed and rained punches on his back but he wasn't having anything.

From the corner of her eyes, she perceived a shadow lurking by the end of the corridor and upon turning that way, she found Mariano standing there with hands clasped behind his back. She caught him nodding dutifully at Kieran. His eyes glided up to her face and his gaze morphed. There was trivial guilt shining through his eyes, showing clearly that he helped him catch her.

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