Not Falling For A Criminal

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Five days had passed.

Five days of denial, pain, frustration and regret and still it was going.

She still couldn't sink down the reality that had flooded upon her. It was hard, It was still hard for her to believe she had been fucking another man, someone who was not her husband. The level of disgust she had for her body. All those passionate nights had become a living nightmare. All those sweet nothing had become acid-laced spits. Digesting the truth brought insufferable pain. She felt like a whore. For she wanted a man other than Enrique. She failed as a married woman who was supposed to be faithful to her husband. She failed in the purpose of her life. Everyone would be so disappointed in her if reality ever broke down for them.

Five days she had fought her conscience and now, she had come down to the conclusion that she would escape. From here, from their lives. There was no way in hell she was going to stay here, in her rapist's mansion. This time, Adeline opted to be strategic. She had to be very careful to dodge him. In the past days, he had tightened security and management. She had only left her room twice and in those two interactions, she had known there were eyes and ears everywhere.

Now, she had to leave again for the kitchen to grab Coco's food. Also, she barely ate anything in the past two days. She was starving to death.

Adeline stopped caressing the sleeping Coco and stood to her feet, placing him back to his basket, she went down to the kitchen. It was six in the evening. The sun was gradually setting. She casted a short glance at it through the kitchen window before reaching the refrigerator. Opening it, she took out some boxes. Usually there wouldn't be many housekeepers hanging around after five which was why the hall was pin-dropped silent. Adeline was grateful for it, so she quickly made her plate and scurried to the microwave. While waiting for her food to be done, she repacked the boxes and stored it back in the refrigerator. Lost in her work, she didn't realise a presence beside her until she shut the door and her eyes instinctively flicked to her right shoulder.

Surprisingly, her eyes widened and she gasped and stepped back. She stumbled back and her hips hit the worktop with her hand flashing to her heart.

Kieran blinked stoically and sized her up from top to bottom. His expression turned sterner in displeasure as his eyes crawled up to her figure. She looked pathetically malnourished and bony. Realisation burned flames in his eyes and without giving a damn care about her shivering form, he stormed toward her and clutched her forearm.

"No...don't...l...leave...leave me," She hissed and wiggled in his hold but instead, he put his fingers beneath her chin and craned her face up. Their eyes were cutting each other's flames. Though both had different reasons behind. Kieran's red-rimmed eyes spoke more of concern and care with mild frustration while she only had hate brewing in her pools for him.

"I told you not to fight with food, why are you even so hard on yourself," Kieran stared vehemently in her eyes that were only shooting daggers. As much as it was painful, but he was genuinely worried for her. Nothing could affect him more than her punishing herself like this.

"Didn't I tell you to fuck off?"

"Language, Lina. You are not supposed to swear," His hold tightened around her arm.

"And who are you to tell me that, you rascal? You like to fuck people behind their backs, talk about morals," Her gaze dropped to his hand holding her, she jerked her arm away but still couldn't free it. "Let go of me this instant, I don't want your dirty hands on me, you sick creep," She jerked back her hand but he tightened his hold, "Arh, let go of me, can't you hear what I say!?" She pushed at his chest again and struggled tediously. While Kieran's gaze only tenderly stared at her pale complexion. The serenity this face brought in him, he had been a maddening bull since the last time he saw her.

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