A Story Behind A Story

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Kieran was attending a meeting in Serbia when Mariano broke the news to him. The news brought shock to him. Luckily, they got control over the fire and her. She passed out in the garden after the electric shock. Kieran commanded Mariano to lock her in the hidden compartment while he was on the way home.

His pulse were busting with anxiety and rage. This was too much. He had enough with her tantrums and constant stubbornness. He hoped she would have understood the matters with the passage of time but perhaps, he was wrong. She was growing firmer in her mission of escaping him. Of course, he wouldn't let this happen. She was his now. She was his whether she liked it or not. He had chosen her the moment he sank into her. There's no way he would let her out from his cage.

After an urgent flight back home. He reached the mansion. Slamming the door shut, he trod toward the entrance and straight headed to his office room. As he entered the space, he saw Mariano strolling in the room with his hand on his beard. Kieran slightly halted in his steps with eyes demanding answers that were around Mariano. Mariano straightened the second he acknowledged his presence.

"Boss," He sped a step toward Kieran. "There's a problem and it's serious," Mariano's expression were sewn gravely, snaking tension around Kieran's spine. Though, he didn't show it on his face but his heart was thumping in fear for her. Was she okay? Did something happen to her? Was she...

"Say it," Kieran's voice came out clogged and thick.

"The girl, she got pregnant," Mariano handed with the file from the table. "I got it checked, it's positive," Kieran blankly stared at him and blinked when he extended the file. He blinked down at the file and took it while his mind continued to process what he had just heard.

"I dread this foetus could be yours," A mute sigh escaped from his lips before the corner of his mouth curled into a small smile. He flipped open the file and read the details that confirmed her pregnancy. He chuckled wilfully, clenching Mariano's brows.

"Capo, this is a problem, we need to eradicate it immediately, if you say I can get the abortion pill, the foetus is just two weeks old, it wouldn't pain..." Kieran didn't let him finish, he grasped him by the collar, nailed him down the desk and produced his gun from the holster, putting it at the back of his head.

"It's my baby you are talking about, you asshole," He slammed the buttstock on his nape. Mariano stifled a groan.

"But that baby is going to put you both in danger, especially her when is not ready to accept the truth," Mariano feared the coming. Kieran's mission wasn't even halfway done. Adeline wasn't in position to believe the reality of this baby. Moreover, if anyone found out about this baby, it would raise problems since she isn't mature enough to handle this ugly situation.

"She may tell everyone that you raped her and this baby's yours, or even worse if she doesn't, consigliere knows his son can't reproduce," Kieran s hold on him slightly wavered. He pondered upon for a second.

He left him with a jerk and swivelled to face the window, closing his eyes. "I'll handle everything myself,"

"You can handle it by ending by the baby," Mariano stood straight and tugged his jacket, making his eyes open wide, red-rimmed and bloodlust.

Kieran turned back to him. "Say it again but with your last wish," He shed his jacket and shoved his gun back to the holster. "No one will know about my baby, you just do what I tell you to and everything will on line," He stepped closer to the bookshelf behind his desk.

"By the way, where is Enrique?" Kieran enquired him with narrowed eyes, reminding Mariano that he was commanded to spy him. But after what happened here, he couldn't follow him to the club.

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