Whispers Of His Dead Heart

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The top piece of her red heels clink-clunk against the concrete ground as she swayed her hips forward. Behind her, guards shut the car's door and followed her. Wearing a tight, thigh-length, low-cut beige dress gave her assets a perfect amount of exposure to the hungry eyes. And as if it wasn't enough, her gait was adding up to the spice. Her round hips and full breasts jiggled with her every step, but no man of hers dared to ogle at her. For they knew this woman was notorious for the wrong things, many of them involving sharp weapons.

She put on her shades. Her lips pulled up in a taut smile when her gaze settled on the man standing at the front door, for her. Valentina wasn't the type to be impressed by the male specie anymore but this man definitely had her for coming on her own. She dropped her hawk-like gaze down on him and checked him out. Long legs, beefed thighs, lean waist, wide torso and steely chest. She was sure his black shirt was concealing some deliciously bulging muscles. Her mouth watered in anticipation, deepening her breath. Her eyes lingered over his shirt's third button that was struggling to keep his bricks hidden. Desire pooled in her eyes as she halted a step before him. His cologne entered her nostrils, wrecking her poor heart even more. This man successfully did what no one could have done before.

"Mr. D'Angelo, what a pleasant welcome it is," She removed her shades and unveiled her dark brown eyes. If the sunlight wasn't falling on her face, he could have mistaken them as raven black. He didn't miss how her orbs orbited his face.

Kieran's face was as stoic as always, even when she extended her hand for him. His gaze flicked to knuckles. If he hadn't needed her help, he would have let it pass. But he had to take her hand and fulfil the tradition.

Taking her hand, he extended her knuckles to his mouth rather than leaning toward them. Valentina felt a delicious shiver passing down her spine. Her eyes stayed glued to his lips as he pecked her knuckle, causing flutters of butterflies in her stomach. She swallowed thickly and tightened her hold on his hand. As much as she wanted his soft lips to linger longer but to punish her more, he pulled them away.

Kieran stared straight into her eyes emotionlessly and dropped her hand down, pulling his hand out of her hold, unaware that he had stroke something inside her. His indifference was arousing her more. The faint scowl over his forehead challenged her to make him hers. She liked it. She liked tough men and Kieran was sitting exactly to her liking.

"Nice place you got here," She hardened her expression and shot an eye around the estate. "But isn't it too big for a single man?" Bringing her gaze back to him, she narrowed her eyes. She struggled to behave a smirk as he continued to stare at her.

"Aren't you going to invite a lady inside, Mr. D'Angelo?" She cocked her brow and smirked wider. Kieran continued to stare at her and without blinking for once, he gestured toward the garden. Valentina's brow crunched for a second before she looked over her shoulder and back to him.

"Please," He stated authoritatively and stepped ahead. Valentina blinked down, dumbfounded and strode toward the enormous garden. Mando pulled a seat for the guest and Kieran silently gestured for her to settle.

Valentina gritted her teeth and perched on the outdoor seat. Kieran settled across her with one leg over his thigh.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Kieran squared his shoulders and put forth his concern quite frankly. Valentina smirked and narrowed her eyes.

"They say right about you. You are the cocky and forthright one, do you know that?" She sized him up and her smirk turned wicked. "But I thought it's unfair that I come to your dominion and don't visit you? After all, you are my fiancé,"

"Not yet," He wasn't showing any concern in his eyes. That was grating on the lady's nerves.

"And that's quite insulting to me, my dear," She slammed her purse on the table between them. Rage swirling in her eyes but her big smile tried to portray a different story. "We are going to be engaged one day and you are the one prolonging the process,"

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