Rise Of The Fall

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Chords of applause reverberated across the hall as he slid the ring in her wedding finger. Valentina wore a gleeful smile and scrutinised her diamond ring with a calm posture, his warm hand holding hers filled her stomach with aching butterflies. Though her insides were bursting with excitement but she knew better than to show it off on her face.

Once he was done with the ordeal, he calmly dropped her hand and pushed his hands inside his pant-pocket. He glanced up and raked his gaze across the hall, over tons of tables behind which hundreds of faces were witnessing their short-term entanglement with a dreamy look. He thoroughly scanned each table with stoic face, in search of one specific man—Alexandro fucking Devine.

"Your sister said you won a prize today, fiancé," He perceived Valentina mumbling something in his ear but couldn't make sense out of it.

"Where's he?" He enquired without bothering to look at her, ruining the moment for her. She tightly hooked her arm around his elbow and applied some pressure to gain his eyes but he still didn't offer her any attention. Immediately, she schooled her expression when a sting of the whistle pierced her ears. She didn't need to turn to know it was her brother teasing her.

"I asked you something." Kieran repeated.

"Must be somewhere having his last drink," She replied, waving her hand at the guests who were clapping for the promised couple, inwardly rolling her eyes.

"He should have been marked dead by now, Valentina. What's taking your men too long?" Kieran hissed, impatience laced in every letter of his tone. Valentina's mask of sweetness wavered for a second. Her forehead strained for a fraction of a second.

"Tsk, I sense raw greed in your words, Mr. D'Angelo. Too much hungry for power." She snickered in his ear. His determination stirred up both anger and arousal inside her. Her grin never left her lips as they both stepped down the stage.

"I'm not a patient man," Kieran fumed lowly, his words hitting a pulse in her pussy.

"I know, that's why you are my type." She mumbled under her breath, enough for Kieran to hear it. "Don't push me to prove you how terrific I can be when it comes to doing my thing,"

Kieran heaved a deep breath and leaned closer to her, "Right now, I am not interested in hearing you boasting when you can't keep your word," A muscle twitched in her jaw but she didn't say anything to defend.

"I need the work done now," His expression was sterner than a rock. Valentina's glance met with Cecilia. She raised her glass and sipped the drink. Valentina mumbled a 'thank you' and smirked.

"Every rumour is correct about you, you are heartless, to-the-point and terribly unromantic," Their eyes connected for a brief moment just as she mumbled it. "But guess, I'm here to change everything about you," They halted in the centre of the stage and turned parallel to each other.

"Don't trouble your mind, love. I know how and when to do my job. You won't be disappointed," She raised her hand and brushed down her pointer finger on his right cheek, pressing her hand against his shoulder before closing the gap between them.

"And I hope you won't disappoint me too," In that following jiff, Kieran read between the lines. Her orbs dilating with lustful greed, silently pleading with him to make her feel his touch but he averted his eyes and wrapped his fingers around her waist.

The violin began to play in the background, persuading them to swirl along with the tune. They danced in a pattern, and other couples joined them shortly. Kieran was twirling her when she pinned her back against his front and ground her asscrack, stroking his length. Kieran's jaw clenched, his hands flexed into a fist but he wasn't in position to rebuke her. He shrewdly carved a gap between them and faced her front. Valentina huffed deeply and stared critically at him. He was matching her vigour when just then a thump resounded in the hall.

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