choo choo

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"Let's do a massage train!"

You and your boyfriend, Bakugou, were on your bed in your dorm room, enjoying doing nothing together. He sat upright with his legs stretched out as you lay down with your head in his lap. The small T.V. atop your dresser played cartoons which you had been absentmindedly staring at as he scrolled through Instagram.

"Huh?" He moved his phone out of the way of his head so that he could look down at yours, which you had just turned to look up at him. An uninterested look was planted on his face as he quirked up an eyebrow.

"A massage train. You sit behind each other and, like, massage," you informed him, to which he responded by gently flicking the top of your head and quickly bringing up his rebuttal.

"I know what a damn massage train is, but there's only two of us. That's a weak ass train. Ts'not even a train."

"Okay, whatever, a massage- truck," he rolled his eyes. "And I can be the front part where the driver sits and you'll be the other part where they put all the stuff in."

"So what you're saying is, you want me to massage you," he remarked.

"Well, duh. But after like 10 minutes or something, we switch off and keep switching off. If I just wanted a massage, I would've just told you to massage me," you replied matter-of-factly.

"You would've told me? I wouldn't just do it 'cause you said so," he said, clearly offended by the insinuation that you had control over his actions.

You sat up your upper body, his eyes and yours locked together as you did. Inching closer to his face, you said in a light voice, "Yes." Soon, your lips were as close to his as they possibly could be without actually touching. "You would," you whispered.

The moment his eyes fluttered closed and he intended to move his head forward and close the gap, you swiftly snapped your head the other way (giving him a brief face full of hair), stood up, and turned the direction of the door.

"Wha- Where are you going?" he asked in a burnt up tone.

"Mina's room. If you won't massage truck with me, maybe she will."

Bakugou let out a prolonged sigh before grabbing hold of your wrist, causing you to turn back around and fight the urge to smirk at his caving in.

He switched positions to be sat criss-cross applesauce and then pat the spot in front of him.

You smiled at him and made a heart with your hands, before happily plopping down on that spot with a small giggle.

"You're needy as hell, y'know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't pretend like you don't like it," you said as you gathered up your hair to pull it to the front of your chest and out of the way.

"Can we put something else on? If you're gonna make me do this shit, I should at least choose what we watch."

"I'm trying to relax, I don't wanna watch some loud mindless action movie. I wanna watch quiet mindless cartoons, thank you very much."

Not that he would ever say so, but Bakugou was weirdly comforted by the fact that you knew exactly what he had in mind. Though, he was also annoyed at your stubbornness. (Additionally, he was both surprised and glad that you hadn't recommended putting on a romance film, as you unfortunately knew he had a secret thing for those, and it was a good middle ground. You usually loved to rub it in his face that he was a romance fan, and make fun of the way his cheeks turned light pink at the topic.)

He mumbled a curse or two as he cracked his fingers in preparation.

You straightened your back in anticipation and excitement. Your back had been killing you lately for whatever reason. Plus, you hadn't had a massage in a long time. Honestly, you were surprised with yourself for not having asked him to do this earlier. You had been together for a while and-

Katsuki Bakugou x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now