28. The history of Erika Lovelace.

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Three years earlier, when the 9 year old escaped her house to this... Camp.

All it started was that this girl... Erika. She noticed some changes. These nightmares. Those hands. They were getting to her. So, grabbing some bread and clothes, She escaped. Somehow, as she was walking through a park, a man who was tall stopped in front of the girl.

"Hey there, kiddo." The man said, looking a bit scary. "I'm not gonna harm you, I promise." The man said. "My name is Ares, And yours is?"

The naive girl stayed silent. "Erika..?" She blurted out, holding her bag.

"Erika." The name rolled off Ares's tongue. "Hey. So... I'm a magician, Wanna see a trick?" Ares asked. The girl just nodded, looking up at Ares. Without hesitation, Ares threw the girl inside the van he had. But it wasn't that easy.

Erika wasn't afraid to scratch Ares's face. Yes. She placed a huge scratch on Ares's face as she felt herself getting kidnapped, leaving a huge cut on his stupid face.

As Ares managed to tame that wild animal inside that van, He sighed, breathing heavily. "Is she seriously, my daughter?" He mumbled to herself, covering the bloody side of his face. Slowly taking his phone out, He scrolled down over to the contact named "Erika's mother." There were a lot of pictures of Erika ever since she was born to now.

"What the fuck did you feed her? She's wild." Ares messaged Aurora. "I got her. She's safe."

The woman just left him on read as Ares sighed. "Your mother is an asshole." Ares sighed, wiping the blood off his face as he sat on the drivers seat and drove off.

He kept on glancing at the little girl. Jesus. She looked so much like her mother. He just sighed, looking at the peaceful girl who just attacked him, peacefully asleep.

After what seemed like what? 4 hours, He stopped driving as they reached in the woods.

"Ares, what the hell did you do to my van? You do realise that I use this to teleport, right?" Someone asked with wings on his shoes and a 'H' necklace. Fuck. These people are gods. Hermes just seemed more concerned about his van than his own brother.

"What happened to your face?" A really gorgeous woman asked Hephaestus's wife, Aphrodite.

"That happened." Ares sighed. "Chiron, please escort the girl to Hermes cabin."

"But sir. You can claim her now." Chiron said softly as he was outside of the woods, outside of the camp.

"Chiron. I asked you something. I'm not claiming this bitch now." Ares spat. "Not after what she did to my fucking face."

"Yes. I'll escort her now." Chiron said, looking at Ares. Ares sighed, taking the body of the girl harshly as he threw the girl over Chiron's body as if she were an object. To which, Apollo immediately caught the girl before she fell to the floor and cracked her skull open.

"Are you stupid, Ares? This is your daughter." Apollo spat, gently cradling the little girl as he slowly placed the girl in Chiron's arms.

"I don't give a fuck about this bitch. I wanted a boy. Not this... bitch with an uterus." Ares spat. Looking away.

"What's wrong with women you dumb fuck?" Athena asked, looking up at Ares. Chiron just sighed, refusing to hear more, He slowly started walking away, The sounds of his hooves clopping against the floor were loud.

This was the girl's new home now.

As the unclaimed kid, Clarisse tried to help Erika, So did Luke.

Luke Castellan was from Hermes's cabin. He seemed like a sweet boy.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now