the man

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Your walking down a road at night and then you go into tescos and ignore the vibrators you buy a can of coke and then walk out the shop you then walk into arrons surplus an army store with cigars as well for some reason

"Hi you say to the shopkeep" while you wonder what to buy

"Hello lady what could I do to you... For you sorry"

"Hmmm what would be the best cigar you have" you say while trying to ignore the mishap is his speech

"It would probably be this one" he holds up a cigar

You say "oh ok how much is it" oh shit you only brought 10 pounds you think to yourself

He says "you can get this one for the cheap price of 100 pounds"

Omg you don't have the money
"Um sir I don't have enough money rn sorry" you go to leave the shop when he stops you

"Wait you could pay a different way" he says in a seductive tone while he winks at you

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