Twenty Two || Twilight

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"So, that's it? It's Manhattan for sure?" Quinn crossed her arms and fell back against her bedsheets with a frown.

I propped myself up on an elbow and nodded. "I told you I didn't plan on staying here."

She stared up at the ceiling and pursed her lips. "I just thought you'd change your mind after Meredith. I thought you would decide to stay in state. I'm staying in state. What am I gonna do without you? You're, like, my sister."

I sighed and lowered my gaze to the floral design of her bedsheets. When I decided I was going to tell Quinn about Manhattan, I didn't expect a twist in my gut to follow, or for dread to cloud the parts of my brain that tried to make sense of everything. I also didn't think she would be so put out by the news. She knew I wasn't one to change my mind so easily.

"And, you're like mine," I told her, hoping the statement would take away from the sting. "But, I'm really serious about starting fresh. I always have been. That doesn't mean I'm not going to come back here. I do want to continue a relationship with my mom. Plus, you know, there's Henry."

"And Bash?" She asked, turning her head to watch my reaction.

That question had come to make my insides feel like sludge. Quinn watched as my face fell. With a heavy sigh, I rolled onto my back.

"It's not realistic."

She reached across to place a light hand on my upper arm. "Does he know?"

I nodded.

"He's so good for you, Jovie—"

"I know," I cut in, pulling my arm out from under her hand. "But, it's not fair to him. He deserves better. I don't want to pull him along while I try to figure out my life."

"You love him," she guessed quietly. She knew me entirely too well.

"This isn't about running away from feelings, or being bored, or walking away because he doesn't do anything for me anymore. It's not about finding the easiest path to follow." I wrapped my arms around myself and turned my head away from Quinn. "It's about giving each other our best shot."

Quinn let out a deep breath and sat back up. "Well, if it's meant to be, you'll find a way back to each other when you're ready."

Unsure of how to respond, I slowly pulled myself back up to a sitting position as well.

"You always say the right stuff," I told her, bumping my knee against hers. "I couldn't ask for a better sister."

Her lips pulled into a gentle smile and she grabbed my shoulder, looking serious. "Promise you won't forget me?"

I leaned over and wrapped my arms over her shoulders, smiling when she squeezed me back. "Promise. I know you'll give me an earful if I don't call."

She giggled and leaned back. "Damn right I will."


Time seemed to come and go too quickly. It was as if it knew I was having trouble keeping up. We were all free-falling, and suddenly I had to choose what to hold on to. There was only so much time before we'd crash back into reality and I only had two hands. I couldn't grab for the things I wanted. I had to grab for what I needed. That's the only way I'd make it out in one piece.

To make up for what I knew what was coming, I put everything I had into the last moments of my life with Bash. Both Meredith and Henry seemed to understand, and not much was said when I would miss curfew to be with Bash. We would bike through town, and read to each other, and slow dance to Leonard Cohen. We would laugh at bad jokes, leave sticky notes in books, eat takeout on the weekends, and fall asleep listening to a thunderstorm.

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