Grim Tidings

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[The text PREVIOUSLY ON MY LITTLE PONY SUNSET G5 SONIC PRIME appears on the screen. Soon, a montage of flashbacks from the past two seasons are shown, beginning with flashbacks to season one.]
Dr. Eggman: Get that rock out of the ground!
Tails: Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful.
Sonic: Step away from the rock, Egghead.
Dr. Eggman: Not this time, you fool!
Tails: Sonic, wait!
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, and Tails: Sonic, no!
Sonic: Ugh. That's a sonic boom of a headache. Where am I? I could really use a familiar face right about now.
Sonic: Tails?
Izzy: Not Talis!
Tails Nine: Who's sent all you?
Sonic: Tails, stop!
Tails Nine: Whoa!
Tails Nine: You all saved me?
Sonic: I've been trying to tell you that we are friends. Best friends.
Tails Nine: They connected to the Prism energy. His shoes And Mane 7 Cute Mark are picking up on the energy signature.
Sonic: I shattered the Paradox Prism. I broke... everything And Mane 7 Take From Their Home.
Sonic: If there's anyone who's got the brains to put it all back together, it's you.
Tails Nine: That's the first thing you've said that I agree with. Sonic And Mane 7, what's happening?
Sonic And Mane 7: Whoa!
Sonic: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is another alternate Green Hill.
Shadow: Sonic!
Sonic: Shadow?
Shadow: I'm lost in the void.
Renegade Knucks: Where were all you?
Sonic: we didn't steal the Shard.
Renegade Knucks: But your fox friend did. Right before he left us high and dry.
Mane 7: What?!
Dr. Deep: Surrender the energy crystal and we'll promise to make your demise quick and painless.
Tails Nine: Sonic Mane 7! Hang on.
Dr. Deep: Get him!
Sonic: Nine! Holy man, just in time!
Tails Nine: I have to show all you what I found.
Sonic: Another world...
Tails Nine: I call it: The Grim.
Tails Nine: It's a clean slate, the perfect place to start over and get the world right. With the proper fortifications, and enough Shard energy, it could be home.
Mane 7: Like Home?
[The flashbacks to season one end. The flashbacks to season two begin to play.]
Shadow: Green Hill is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. The Ghost Prism shows us how the other Shards need to be placed together.
Sonic: We gotta show Nine! He's just like Tails.
Shadow: He's not Tails. He's Nine. And they're not your real friends!
Sonic: Back up off Nine.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: You admire Them, don't you? For all of your bluster, you think of Them as a friend.
Tails Nine: High-five And Hoof And Hands To Heart!
Sonic: We've all got to get to Ghost Hill. It's got a fourth Shard in this blueprint "thingy".
Tails Nine: That's the key to putting the Prism back together!
Sonic: Haha! Mess with Our best bud and you get blasted! You really don't trust him, do ya?
Shadow: No.
Sonic: we don't get it. We thought this would work!
Tails Nine: You all just assumed I'd go along with you all no matter what. Did all you even consider what I wanted!?
Sonic: Wait! We all can make this work, Nine. Trust us.
Tails Nine: The only person I can trust is myself.
Mane 7: Oh No!
[The flashback ends.]

[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: Nine's Lair, The Grim]

Tails Nine: The only person I can trust is myself. [Tails Nine exits a portal and enters his base] Sonic Mane 7! The fools! This could have been everything he ever wanted and The Mane 7 Care About Going To Equestria. [Tails Nine takes a deep breath] No matter. I have the Shards now. [Tails Nine begins climbing up a ladder, and makes it up to a machine which holds the Grim Shard] And I know exactly where each one of them fits. Like the pieces of a puzzle.
[Tails Nine uses his mechanical tails, which are holding all of the Shards one-by-one, begins inserting them into the machine. He puts the Red, Green, and Blue Shards into the machine.]
Tails Nine: Last one.
[Tails Nine inserts the last Shard, the Yellow Shard. All of the Shards glow and are put back together, forming the Paradox Prism.]
Tails Nine: The Paradox Prism. With this, I can transform the Grim...
[Tails Nine begins extracting energy from the Prism using his mechanical tails.]
Tails Nine: ...and make it stable. Make it perfect!
[Tails Nine releases all of the energy he has connected from the Paradox Prism. The camera cuts to the outside of The Grim, which can be shown that Nine is building his new home. Soon, his new home is complete. It resembles a castle. Tails Nine flies out from the top of his home and gathers more energy from the Prism to make a dome over his home. Tails Nine looks around and smiles, proud of what he has created.]
[Scene: Shatterverse]

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