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Kayleigh Johnson really hated her life at the moment

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Kayleigh Johnson really hated her life at the moment.

Scratch that, she straight up despised her life.

Her mother, Andrea, was a shitty mother who cared more about her next fix and what she was willing to do to get it for herself.

Her dad, Andrew, wasn't quite as horrible as her mother but he also wasn't the greatest when it came to being a parent to Kayleigh and her little brother Leo.

If she was being completely honest with herself, she was more of a parent to Leo than either of their actual parents.

Since she was old enough to do so, she's taken care of him the best she could given her young age.

Leo adored his big sister but a part of him still wished that she didn't have to spend so much of her time looking after him.

Back to Kayleigh though...

The 14-year-old was currently in the small bathroom that she shared with her brother.

She was cleaning up some new scrapes and scratches that she had acquired earlier that afternoon when the three most popular girls in her grade at school decided to beat the crap out of her for no real reason except that they knew that they could do so and get away with it.

See, Kayleigh's mother's reputation for being a junkie and frankly a bit of a whore had caused both herself and her brother to become outcasts themselves amongst their peers, Kayleigh herself more so than Leo.

While the teen didn't exactly like the fact that she didn't have any friends to speak of, she couldn't deny that it made things easier for her to not have to explain away the messiness of her home or her mother's unpredictable and sporadic outbursts.

Once she'd finally finished patching herself up, Kayleigh exited the bathroom and made her way down the short hallway to the kitchen where she found her brother munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with a small bag of chips.

"Enjoying your snack there, little buddy?"

The eleven-year-old rolled his brown eyes at his sister playfully but still nodded in response as he continued to consume his sandwich.

"Got any homework today that needs doing?"

Leo made sure to swallow the bite that was currently in his mouth before answering.

"Just a couple worksheets for math and a bit of reading for English class."

Kayleigh nodded her head before telling the younger boy that he should get started on his work once he finished his snack so that he wouldn't have to worry about it later.

Skip to a few hours later
just cause lol

Kayleigh was now finishing up preparing dinner for Leo, her father who had just arrived home from his job as a mechanic at a local auto shop, and herself.

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