Shoulder To Lean On

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Paulo arrives on the set of Linlang but sees all of the crew gathered around Kim's tent. He worries that something bad has happened to her and rushes over to ask if everything is okay. When Ate Haidz rushes over to him in tears.

"Ate Haidz what's wrong okay lang si Kim ano nang hati?" hand on her shoulder.
"Walang hiya Ang lalakeng yan..talaga from the beginning I never liked him." she's cries.
Kim's older sister Lakam rushes over to Paulo, "Pau, Niloko nya si Kim for 6 years na.Niloko nya."
"HA... napaka bastos and walang respecto na lalakeng yan." he says furious.
Lakam tells him that Kim isn't letting one in her tent now even her, "please pau maybe she'll let
You in please I'm worried about sister."

"I'll try Ate ditto lang kayo." his heart breaks for him as he heads to her tent.
Inside Kim's tent head is buried in her hands hysterically crying and shaking. Pau knocks on the door "Kim si Pau to." he knocks again. She sniffs and opens the door and rushes into his arms breaks down crying even more.

"Pau ang sakit ang sakit sakit I gave my all and this is what he does Ang sakit." she buries her face in his chest.

He sighs holding her tightly while rubbing her back letting her vent all her pain. Caressing her hair and whispers comforting words in her ears as she cries. She just snuggles more into his chest shaking as she's crying. He walks them over to her couch in her tent while holding her closer. She rest her head against his shoulder while holding his hand tears falling .He hums in her ear while caressing her hair as she slowly falls asleep on his shoulder. Slowly he lays her down on the couch then kneels down caressing her tear stained cheeks and sighs. While continuing to caress her cheek he whispers, "I wish I  could take the pain away Kim, you don't deserve this you deserve to find the right kind of love , to be loved, I'll be here for you by your side to help you heal from it all he doesn't deserve your tears." he leans over kissing her forehead.

Ate Haidz and Lakam are peeking through the door and over hear what Paulo has promised to Kim to heal her broken heart. They smile as they see him kiss her forehead and put a blanket over her while getting a bottle of water for her. They continue watching as Pau takes care of everything around her tent and taking to her make up and hair stylist and Direk to postpone filming for a couple of hours. Which everyone agrees and leaves Paulo and Kim to their tents while he continues to take care of everything for her.

"Hay, sana si Paulo lang." says Lakam. 

"You never know, destiny has a funny way of showing what's truly meant to be, even if it means a painful journey." explains Ate Haidz. 

"I'm just happy that she has Paulo here for her to give her the strength." 



Kim moves around in her sleep as her phone rings while Paulo rushes over to check on her phone seeing that it's HIM.  His jaw clenches as he sees his name on her phone thinking he has the nerve to try to speak with her after the pain he's putting her through. 

"Pau I'll answer it it's okay." says Lakam

"Hindi ako na Ate, he deserves a taste of his own medicine." he smirks.

"Pau..." Ate Haidz tries to stop him.

"No let him, he deserves his ass handed to him." smiles Lakam.

Paulo looks at Kim's phone takes a deep breathe and answers.... 

"'s Paulo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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