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4th September 1993

AFTER the Quidditch practice went the Gryffindor group back inside the Hogwarts castle for breakfast. Bright autumn sun was already up on the baby blue sky, its rays warming up everything they could reach.

When they arrived, the Great Hall wasn't crowded yet. It was Saturday, meaning that a lot of students took their time to wake up, enjoying the sleep.

To no one's surprise one of the minimum awake people was Hermione Granger, who sat at the long wooden Gryffindor table, her head buried in Potions textbook, her bushy brown hair only thing you could see.

The incoming party chose the seats next to her, sitting down with big huff. Third year girl put up her head and greeted her friends, who started to dig into the food.

"Good morning to you too, Hermione," replied Y/N, who seated right next to her. (Short/Long) haired girl still wondered about the dog she saw, ignoring scrambled eggs she plated for herself.

"Are you alright, Y/N/N?" asked Alicia opposite her, who seemed to notice girl's troubled mind.
"Yeah, I just don't understand some things from the School Guide," lied the Y/E/C eyed girl, not wanting to look crazy.

"I can help you if you want! We can do study session in a library today, if you want," offered excitedly younger girl next to her, her smile widening.

"I would really appreciate it, thank you 'Mione," Y/N accepted the offer, trying to suppress her thoughts of strange acting animal. She went back to her food, engaging in the conversation more. Y/E/C eyed girl learned that DADA with her godfather had a big success and that a lot of kids enjoyed it, which made her delighted.

The group talked for a while, even Ron finally decided to join them after his peaceful slumber, his sleepy brown eyes sending daggers to Hermione as he sat down. Y/N didn't understand what's happening, so she questioningly looked at the bushy haired third year next to her, however the younger girl only shrugged her shoulders, leaving the conversation for later.

Out of nowhere laughter erupted in the Great Hall, causing the party of Gryffindors look around. When they found the reason of commotion, they couldn't help but join in too.

Clearly pissed off Draco Malfoy stood in the entrence to the Hall, his group of goons around him, their face expression same as his. All of them were sporting scarlet red hair with few gold streaks here and there, looking like Gryffindor flag.

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