Chapter One

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Like any normal day, I plunked on my bed and opened my laptop, typing up my new blog post. Hey indies, I don't have much to say today. The usual happened today, school, classes, homework, etc. Again, I almost had a panic attack today after my "friends" dragged me to a large group of people and made me talk to them for their own amusement as they watch me stutter. Basically cool cats, I kept on stuttering and ended up running away into the bathroom. Ugh, I just wish that I could talk to people without having my mind constantly thinking bad thoughts. Now, I have a question for you indies. How do you deal with your anxieties and deal with your panic attacks? I love to hear some advice and who knows- maybe one of you cool cats can help eachother out. Answer in the comments below and I'll answer some of your back. Keep good vibes only!

Signing off,

IndieBlogging :)

I published my blog post and immediately, the amount of views increased steadily, but rapidly. Comments, likes, and views pooled into my blog post faster than ever, taking me aback. After staring at the screen for what seems like eternity, I closed my laptop, deciding the best to do was to read the comments after I finished my outrageously large amount of homework. With a heaving sigh, I put my laptop onto my bed and opened my literature book, reading required stories and writing summaries corresponding them.

Afterwards, I opened my AP Calculus book and read the first homework problem, my mind already dizzy. "Bob leaves for a trip and 3pm (time t = 0) and drives with velocity v(t) = 60 - ½ t miles per hour. Find the..." I trailed off, and started solving the problem on my paper.

After doing all my homework, I tossed myself onto my bed with a bowl of apple slices and started reading the comments. H3J23: My panic attacks used to be really bad, but I always kind of 'tamed' it by thinking of a happy place. Try thinking of that next time you get a panic attack. Anyways, I hope this helps. Bye, ily! xx

JustFandoms8912: I don't get panic attacks, but I think you should always have someone near you, maybe someone you're close with? I hope this helps... You're the best!

Jamie_fortheWin: Try to not shut everything or everyone out, I don't think that helps with the panic attacks. I hope your panic attacks get better! Stay cool!! You're amazing!

CSLGH: I used to be really scared of speaking in public, but I kind of settled my fear by telling my friends, family, people close to me. I wouldn't shut anyone out and I would kinda be open to friends and family because they can help you. Good vibes only! <3 xxx

5SOS-ages: It's hard having panic attacks. My friend has them (BTW SHE'S A HUGE FAN) and here's some advice from her: control your breathing, calm yourself. Stay in a quiet place and avoid surprises. Also, some advice from me is to ask a doctor (as in serious panic attack). Otherwise, just calm down and stay as fab as you are now!! <3

I_leik_DOG_Poo: Sorry, I'm not sure, but I would definitely hide in a corner if I were you. Just saying. It sounds really embarrasing.

IcySardines: Remember what you always say: good vibes only. Maybe it would help if you told your friends how to react, like "Don't panic when I panic." Or stop yourself from running. LY! :P

WassupIts_JustMe: IDK what to do exactly, but I guess just calm down??? Sorry I wasn't much help...

HunHaleNaw: Panic attacks suck. Alot.

BeachImFabulous: Who cares? Stop complaining about your life and do something worth living. Others have much more bigger problems than your panic attacks. Deal with it, we all have problems.

My_Specialty_isU: UM, I guess make new friends that don't pressure you into doing stuff like talking in front of random ppl and all tht. SO YEA :)))))) *insert thumbs up emoji* Ur bestest <3333

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