Hero x villain oneshot #1

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Perfect for crime.

The villain is running from the cops, while it's pouring outside and he keeps slipping, trying to get away.

Running from alleyway to alleyway trying to stay in the shadows.

Police sirens can be heard throughout the entire city, and shouts of the police saying for him to stop in the name of the law.

Does he stop?

No of course not.

He keeps going, running for his life.

His little sidekick had sold him to the police which is why the villains lair was found and he was almost caught.

The sidekick was caught earlier in the day and taken into custody for interrogation.

He confessed immediately for the reward money and being let go.

although, for being a traitor, he was sure shocked for being betrayed by the police.

He was thrown into jail in the end.

Serves him right.

Now back to the villain.

He was still running in the shadows until he couldn't hear the sirens anymore.

Catching his breath he lays on the ground and started laughing.


Although the world sees him as a villain he really wasn't.

But he'll always be one of its the hero telling the story.

He gets up injured from earlier when a police shot his arm.

The sirens were getting closer.

He ran into another alleyway and ran into someone.

And came up with an idea.

He took of his suit and threw it reveling his normal street outfit underneath.

The other person gasped and was about to scream when the villain pushed them into the wall.

"Play along."

Then he kissed her. Pinning her to the wall, and covering her head with his hat.

Police cars zoomed past with some of them running on foot.

The ones that were running on foot turned the corner where the villain was and told both the person and the villain hands up.

The villain shouted "what the hell is going on?! I cant kiss my girl?!

Thankfully for him the full moon was out so the police didn't think to have their flashlights on.

And you wonder why they still haven't caught a dumb villain?

The make him look like a genius.

The police officers left as soon as they came, mumbling "stupid teenagers"

"Thank you." The villain said turning around to the woman.

Turning on his flashlight from his phone:

He froze.

She was bent down, against the brick wall he had just pushed her against, in pure shock for a minute and then stood and turned to him saying:

"If your going around kissing girls at night I guess that should be another crime to charge you with right villain?"

It was the hero.

"Fuck" the villain said, trying to exit the alleyway.

She screamed after him:

"I knew you were obsessed with me but I mean come on... this is too much!" She laughed.

"Don't flatter yourself hero." The villain sneered. Turning back to her

"Oh I'm not but you definitely did-" the hero tried to reply.

"I could not see you." He whispered angrily getting closer to the hero.

"Any girl in here would've sufficed. Unfortunately for me it was you at this time." He was very close to her this by this time.

She blinked at him three times before reacting.

Reacting horribly.

She pushed him to the ground.

"Oh. Wow, fine then take your hat back... bitch." She replied hurt, while squatting over him and throwing his hat at him.

"don't expect tomorrow to be easy, villain" she wiped her mouth, got up, and spit at the ground.

And with that she took off. Leaving him in the alleyway.

He laid there shocked evident on his face from the fact that she had cussed.

And turned to leave after picking up his hat.

"Unfortunately? Ah, who am I kidding? I'm lucky it was her. So lucky" the villain whispered.

He pocketed his phone after turning off his flashlight.

Walking tiredly to another one of his lairs that the police haven't found yet.

As the sun was rising and people were getting up.

He thought to himself: she's not a bad kisser. Would I have another chance to do it again?

And: this is why I don't trust anyone.

Hero x villain scenarios Where stories live. Discover now