(Chapter 1)The lost heir.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

15th October 1988, the Attic, Privet Drive.

Harry Potter never liked the rain.

The wet weather always brought along with it harsh wind that would make you shiver and watch cruelly as you yearned to curl up inside with a blanket near a warm fire.

So naturally, today, on one of the rainiest and coldest days of the month, he stood cooped up in the attic shivering and stuttering wishing for once his aunt would take mercy on him and send him back to his cupboard.

A dark, lonely place yes, but warm and adopting a familiar feeling of home to it.

"Potter!" A loud rambunctious voice called out. "I want the attic spotless! Not a speck of dust in sight understand!"

Harry only curled up even further in the corner, pulling his thin and ratty coat closer together in an attempt to fend out the frost.

"Y-yes uncle Vernon." He answered back in a raspy voice, curtesy of his sore throat, stumbling over his words as he tried to convince his teeth to cease their chattering movement.

Slowly, shakily, he stood up, taking a look around and surveying the room.

It would take him forever.

A photo frame had fallen out of a broken cardboard box full of broken trinkets.

A photo frame he had picked up and found himself staring at.

A photo frame he couldn't seem to put down.

He had turned it over gently and traced the cursive writing engraved at the bottom.

Lily and James Potter.


He turned the frame over once more.


"They're your parents." A voice whispered from behind him making Harry jump up and turn around nervously only to be met with his aunt's face peering down at him in sorrow. "James and Lily. I still remember their ecstatic expressions when they brought you over for the first time. Dudley had thrown a fit because of the lack of attention being given to him but you didn't seem to care. You just sat there happily munching on whatever teething ring they had given you. They loved you. That's all I could think of when they left. They loved you entirely."

Harry let out a small sigh and looked back at the picture he had held onto carefully. "I look nothing like them." He stated holding back any rogue tears that always seemed to want to escape when his parents were mentioned.

"No. You don't. Because they couldn't have children."


"They adopted you. A new-born fresh from an old orphanage with nothing. They felt connected to you. For some stupid reason they did. But they loved you the moment they saw you."

Petunia sighed. "The orphanage was called Wools Orphanage. A creepy place down ridden with mice and spoilt bratty kids. But you won't find anything there. I've already tried." With that said, she closed her eyes and once again sighed before her expression changed to one of hatred like it usually was when concerning him and she spoke. "Now, get on with it then! This attic isn't going to clean itself! Honestly, just wasted my time." She spoke with venom making Harry recoil in shock at the sudden change. Taking one last glance at him, she turned and marched down the stairs leaving Harry alone in the darkness.

Like he would be for a very long time.

1991. 1st September, Hogwarts Express.

Harry Potter gently turned the old photo frame in his hands and ran his fingers over the cursive writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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