Vela's Dream

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So I was having this dream.

At first I didn't realize I was asleep, but after looking at my hands which each housed seven fingers, I knew something was off.

I was sitting in this long chair like the ones they have in therapy offices. Or not really sitting, more like sprawled out all dramatic like. Back of the hand on my forehead, eyes closed, back arched, and whining about global warming.

It was the weirdest thing.

I was going on and on about how it's not fair, the way we treat the earth and what not. But I opened my eyes when I realized I wasn't getting any response. I looked to see if my therapist was writing all of this down but who I saw sitting in Mrs. Methuselah's chair wasn't my usual 300 year old head shrinker.

That also tipped me off that this was dreamland because Mrs. Methuselah never lets anyone sit in her chair. I should know because she got a lot of bass in her voice during our first session when I'd suggested we trade seats.

But I digress.

In her chair was a skinny man. He had this long brown hair that looked like it hadn't been combed in weeks. On top of it was this 2015 tumblr-esque flower crown. I can't remember what else he was wearing.

I sat up really quick and was getting ready to leave the room, but before I could stand, he spoke.

"Are you done?"


"Okay great! I can finally get a word in. Hello Vela, it's so great to meet you! You look just beautiful. And all of the global warming stuff, trust me, I know."

I still didn't say anything. I'd only done drugs once, if you count getting your wisdom teeth out. This was weirder. It seemed real almost.

"No time for small talk though, I come with a purpose. I don't just pop up in everyones dreams, you know."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What do I want? That's what you ask? You're not curious about who I am?"

I opened my mouth to respond but was quickly cut off.

"Well that's actually good, I'm quite busy. Busy warming. Globally. Globally warming."

A laugh track went off in the background. The real loud, crunchy sounding kind from back in the 90's.

"Now I don't want you to speak for the next four minutes. It's very crucial that you hear what I'm about to say."

My tongue dissolved in my mouth.

"Vela, the world is going to end on the 30th of this month."
He paused dramatically.

"As you know, today is the second. This gives you 28 days. You may be wondering, "how will the world end?". Alien invasion? Advanced evolution? Perhaps some global warming...? It's actually the opposite. Global cooling is going to be the end of life as you know it. Well, not only your life, but mine too. You see, the sun is leaving us. She's going away. Arrivederci. And life on me, from the smallest bee to the tallest tree, to the most passive aggressive teenager, cannot exist without the sun. And neither can I."

Now it was his turn to be dramatic. He sulked down in his chair and covered his head with both of his hands before sitting up, drawing in a deep breath, and continuing.

"I actually can exist, don't get me wrong, I'm much better off than your species. But I need my sweet Sunni to live. Without her my flowers won't bloom, she's the reason I draw in the moon to make the waves dance. She always loved dancing. She's the reason I rain and snow in the winter, I can't stand it when she's far. And now she's leaving forever? And why? Why, you may ask? Well that's besides the point, let's talk about you."

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