Pandora's warning

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What Dumbledore wouldn't predict as he left baby Harry on the muggle's doorstep was something that would ruin his plans forever. As she watched him leave, McGonagall crept over to the bundle of blankets on the floor, staring down at the peaceful sleeping toddler she picked him up before apperating away from the scene, leaving no trace Harry was ever there.

Pandora was disturbed from her work as a soft knock sounded on the door, she glanced across at her 8-month-old daughter Luna sleeping peacefully, before hesitantly opening the door and glancing out. Seeing McGonagall with a baby in her arms, Pandora opened the door and ushered them inside. McGonagall entered placing Harry next to Luna, as soon as Pandora laid her eyes on Harry's face she went into a trace like state, her voice strained and her eyes unfocused, "He shall be treated like a slave by those who are meant to love him, the old goat knows of this but he does nothing, the boy who knows nothing about magic's opinion shall be forever clouded by the man who saved him only to be sacrificed when the moment comes" Pandora recited in a choked voice before coughing as her eyes became unglazed, "Sorry professor, was there something I could do for you and this sweet child?"

"I think you've answered any questions I had. You wouldn't happen to know if James or Lily have any family members that are still alive, would you?" McGonagall asked.

"I know that Lily has an older sister. And from the few times Regulus ranted about James and Sirius to Barty, I believe James has a twin brother, Tony, I think. As far as I know he's a squib." Pandora said, her voice nostalgic as she recalled the times she had spent laughing at Regulus' rants. McGonagall nodded before picking Harry up again, "I'll see what I can find."

With that McGonagall was gone into the night, taking the still sleeping Harry with her. 

As Pandora closed the door, she heard her husband's voice, awoken by the talking. She could only hope he wouldn't be too annoyed and would quickly go back to sleep. Looking down at the bandage on her wrist, she decided to escape the next chance she got. 

McGonagall looked up at the large tower in front of her, to think that young Tony had amounted to this much surprised her, yes, she knew Tony, she was friends with his mother after all, she had been there when he and James were born, though not many knew of his existence, of course no one would have guessed that the younger Potter boy would do anything as exceptional as this when it was found he was a squib. In fact, his own grandparents Dorea and Charlus Potter had urged for him to be left in an orphanage in the muggle world when he didn't show any signs of magic. Euphemia and Fleamont had denounced this suggestion at once and had sent Tony away to a boarding school in the countryside where he had learned about muggle subjects as well as technology and started off, at first it had started off as small inventions but every time James or their parents had gone near the inventions they had started bugging out and crashing. This was how Tony had figured out that magic messed with technology. He was quite successful in this field now, running a multi-million-dollar company, obviously she had felt in the past that his technology skills would have been better suited for anything other than building the weapons his company used to be known for. But you can't change the past.

As McGonagall entered the building, she was met with the sight of very few people, two in particular stood out to her, a bodyguard and a young receptionist. Walking up to the desk, she spoke confidently and calmly though it was well past 2 in the morning by now. "I wonder if I could have a moment to talk to Mr Stark? It's quite important." The woman at the desk eyed the baby in McGonagall's arms wearily before pressing an earpiece and quietly talking.

A smile graced the woman's face as she spoke, "Mr Stark's assistant informs me that he would be willing to see you right away." The woman then guided McGonagall towards the elevators.

As McGonagall and the sleeping Harry exited the elevator on the level of Tony's office, they were met with his assistant, Miss Pepper Potts.

"Hello ma'am, I was informed that you wished to speak with Mr Stark regarding a rather urgent matter, is this correct?" Miss Potts politely asked. 

"Yes, that's right." 

"If you'd like to follow me through here, Mr Stark is waiting."

As McGonagall stepped into Tony's office, she couldn't help but study what kind of man he'd grown up to be. Of course, she'd watched him grow up and seen him in the newspaper, but nothing could quite beat seeing the real thing.

Tony was just taking a sip of his drink when he spit it out "Aunt Minnie!? What are you doing here at 2 in the morning? I could've sworn you were still teaching at Hogwarts last I heard."

"A pleasure to see you too Tony. Yes, I am still teaching. Tell me, when was the last time you heard from your brother?"

"James? Why I haven't spoken to him since..." He ran his hand through his hair. "Probably since his wedding, why? Has something happened to him and Lily?"

McGonagall sat down in a chair opposite Tony's desk before responding. "Unfortunately, yes, it saddens me to tell you that James and Lily were murdered just hours ago. By none other than He Who Must Not Be Named."

Tony sank down into his chair looking like he'd seen a ghost "Murdered?"

"Yes murdered, they have a son too."

"A son? You mean to say I have a nephew that I was not told about?"

"Yes Tony, I'd like you to meet Harry James Potter." McGonagall softly said holding Harry for Tony to see.

"H-he looks like James..." Tony fumbled over his words as it set in that his own brother was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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