Discovering the Deep Dark.

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Y/n awoke one day, full of spirit and excited to adventure. They headed to their mine they had dug out, making their way to the bottom to continue digging. As always, there was the hope of finding diamonds, a spawner, or something else cool and of value, but today didn't seem to be holding any luck. Stone after stone was broken, pickaxes running out as the day went by, it was all hard work. Everything was normal. That was, until one of the stone blocks looked a little different to the usual ones. It was no longer only grey and flakey, but it had specks of green embedded in it. Y/n wasn't entirely sure about it, but they swore it looked as though it was sort of glowing? They mined the block only to find more behind it with the same features, the same weird green embeds. Y/n reached out their hand to feel the unknown material, finding that it was somewhat soft. It wasn't exactly soft enough to be used to make clothes or anything, but it definitely wasn't as hard as stone. More of a half-dead grass texture, soft but still not entirely comfortable. This discovery of course led to many internal questions, but with nobody to ask there was nothing to do.

The further Y/n dug down, the more the green appeared. Blocks held more of the strange material than the first one they had found, almost as if it were spreading. It was rather fascinating, if not a little unnerving as well, but something in Y/n told them to keep going, to figure out what this oddity actually was. They began to mine quicker, flecks of the deep green clinging to their clothing, somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that they had forgotten to bring any armour other than an iron helmet, and that didn't seem like it would provide too much shelter against any threats anyway. They half-hoped they wouldn't find a spawner at this rate, or any cave with mobs for that matter. These thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the stone blocks afflicted with this strange material stopped. The blocks were now fully made out of whatever it was, or so it appeared. Deep green blocks with flecks of white in them, emitting a soft glow. It was eerily silent down here too. No groans from nearby zombies could be heard, that was a good sign. Hopefully that meant there were no caves nearby. The only noise heard at the moment was the crumbling of blocks as they were mined, and Y/n's footsteps.

Mining a couple more blocks only revealed a small entrance to what looked like a large open area, completely dark. It was lucky Y/n brought torches, or else this would have been a terribly frightening trip. They placed down a torch in the entrance of the hole they had just created, illuminating only a small patch of the open area they had discovered. This area was made completely out of that odd green material still, particles of it floating around in the air. Everything here looked so eerie, like something out of a dream, but Y/n knew this was real. Carefully, they stepped out into the area, placing another torch when the light behind them grew too dim, making sure they were able to see their surroundings. The last thing they needed right now was to be attacked by some mob, unsuspecting. Thankfully, they had brought a sword with them, so they could defend themself if they needed to. They had found their way into the Deep Dark, yet they knew nothing about the dangers of the area they were in. Skulk sensors could be anywhere around here, and Y/n was wandering around making no attempt to hide the sound of their footsteps.

Y/n had wandered deeper into the space, wondering what treasures could be hidden here. That was when they noticed a large structure in the middle of the area, it seemed to be built out of stone in some sort of portal formation. There were a few chests scattered around the area and they decided to head straight towards those. Unluckily, they had walked too close to one of the Skulk sensors that was nearby, illuminating the area briefly as a faint clicking sound was heard, echoing around the cave. Y/n froze, the sound freezing them in their tracks. 'What on Earth was that noise?' they thought to themself. It was unlike any other mob noise they had heard before, and they liked to adventure so that was very strange. They approached the block that had lit up before, making sure to sneak over this time so that they could properly identify it without setting it off again. They noticed the seaweed-like appearance of whatever it was made out of, and what seemed like a small void in the middle of it. They weren't sure if this was loot, or whether it was dangerous, so they kept note of its appearance before trudging back towards the chests.

Placing down another torch caused the sensor to trigger again, Y/n mentally reprimanding themself for being so clumsy. They assumed that whatever that block was, it was alerting something, and they didn't really want to face that 'something' whilst as unprepared as they were today. They made sure to keep much quieter as they made their way up, able to spot the sensors from a distance now and find a path around them, avoiding them at all costs. With this mindset, they easily made it up to the chests. They didn't think they were able to see any more of those strange blocks up here, so they took the chance and opened one of the chests to find what was inside. They didn't have time to appreciate the treasures they may have found before the hinges on the chest let out an echoing creak. Y/n's heart sank as they noticed a dim light coming from behind a nearby block, feeling their heart beating out of their chest when a distant rumble sounded and a loud groan echoed across the cave. Whatever those blocks had been alerting was here with her now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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