I Just Forgot

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It was cold.

No, sorry, It was freezing, but this was especially toe numbing. "Guys," I whined, "Can we get out now?" Tori looked at me as if I was mad. "No, obviously not, Wren, we haven't seen any boys!" I rolled my eyes, teeth chattering. "B-but.." Evelyn decided to jump in."Come on, Wren, it's not that big of a deal," I felt like pushing her into the water. As if she had any right to say that! I was trying so hard to be friends with her, for Tori, but she was making it SO HARD. Evelyn moved to Oram high last year, and caused a lot of drama. This year I'm trying to be friends with her so that Tori doesn't feel guilty about spending time with her, but it is pretty difficult. It doesn't help that she has a gorgeous body and she knows it. She always looks good in any of her MANY (and I mean, many) bikinis, but today she was looking even more pretty then usual. She was wearing a sky blue two piece, with white, chalky clouds, and cute ruffles at the strings. It didn't help that she was, just by looking, probably a C cup. Her long, flowing hair was blowing everywhere in the wind, making her look less human and more goddess. Even Tori wasn't as good looking, and believe me, that is saying something. Her cute brown doe eyes match her chocolate colored hair, cut short into a neat bob. She was wearing a green bikini, with little strings falling down like a skirt. She looked at bit like Taylor, the best friend of the main character in the Summer I turned Pretty, my favorite
book series OAT. Me? I looked nowhere near Evelyn, or even Tori.But I'm not ugly, (I hope) I just wouldn't stand out.I have long, straight brown hair, which looks nice when it's curled but it takes five hours to curl, and stays in for about twenty minutes, so I usually just leave it down.My eyes are a kind of blue-Grey, and, (thankfully) My mum let me wear a bikini. I don't have any nice ones, really, but I don't mind this deep blue one with bright, yellow sun patterns, and white swirls. I got it at Greece for five quid, and it was so pretty I only wore it once in the first year and a half I got it, so as not to "wear it down" but I'm wearing it now, and slightly regretting my decision.It has cotton around the bra part, but I'm only just about a B, so I don't need it at all, meaning there is a small sag at the front, but at this point I'm too cold to care.We were sitting on the high stones, (these big rocks in a kind of mound, overlooking all of Hilston Beach.We were waiting for "boys" to notice us, but it was such a windy, rainy day that none even walked past.We had gotten in the water before, to give is the "mermaid" look as Evelyn called it, but all it did was make us shiver and hug our legs to our chests.Tori stood up to rearrange her bikini strap, and a sudden gust of wind knocked into her, and she fell off the stones, into the stormy grey sea.I held back a giggle.She stomped out of the sea onto the deserted beach, and yelled, "ok, we're going NOW," I laughed, and went to grab my towel.Evelyn looked like she wanted to stay, but you didn't argue with Tori, especially when she's mad.I walked a little ahead of Evelyn, so as to avoid any remarks about my appearance.As I turned to leave, I ran into Hazel, who was coming around the alley, wearing a one piece. "Oh, hello Wren" she said. She is my best friend, all the way from the start of primary, but since the beginning of last year she's gotten more quiet. "oh, hi, Haz," I say, not looking at her."what are you doing here?" "Oh," she began, "I have to go swimming.My mum says so," she says, smiling. "Oh, poor you, haha..." I reply weakly. "You too?" She asks, knowingly. "Uh, well, kind of? I mean- but, before I could finish thinking up an excuse, Evelyn and Tori walk round the corner. "Oh, hey Hazel," says Tori, then continues walking.Ist as if she doesn't see her. "You..went swimming with them?" Asks Hazel. "Sorry, they-they invited me, and I thought it would be rude to invite you along, because I wasn't the organizer and... yeah," I said, sheepishly. she smiles, weakly. "That's okay, Wren, I don't mind," Tori shouts back, "Come on, Wren, your taking ages!" I look at her. "I...better go,"
"Ok, see you on Monday!" "Yeah.. I smile at her.she turns to go, and I say, "Hazel I'm really sorry, I.." I trail off. She smiles at me. "Wren, it's fine,I honestly don't mind," I look at her. She waves and runs off.I trudge off after the girls, but my heart now feels heavy with guilt.Because, you see, I didn't think it would be rude to invite her.
I just forgot.

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