~part VI: spending sometime with him~

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"I'm Lewis rosewood, why do you like me already asking for my name like that?"

He smirked. I smiled and said:

"No, probably because I need a set of hands helping me clean this coffee mess."


He entered the room to help me. He sure is tall, I said to myself. I stood there frozen thinking about his height.

"Hey! I thought you needed help?"

I flinched.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. "
"So you're new here, cause I've never seen you here before."
"Uhhh yeah, I guess you could say that..."
"You look familiar. I swear I've seen you before somewhere..."
"Oh really? I heard I have a very celebrity kind of face and apprence sooo maybe its because of that..."

He fixed the machine while I cleaned the mess. He made me some instant coffee and passed it to me. I thanked him and drank the coffee quietly. He drank his. I crushed the paper cup and threw it into the garbage can and left. I headed to my office to finish reading the documents and files. An hour or two went by when I heard someone knocking on the door. I titled my head as I made my way to the door to open it.

There was nobody at the door. That's weird. I was going to close the door when I looked at the floor when I saw a package for me. I brought it with me and closed the door. I put the box on my table. I was about to open the box when I looked at the time. Oh no! It's already 2. I grabbed my bag and packed my things. I exited my office and made sure to lock my office before clocking out. I was at the elevator waiting for the doors to open. I went inside and pulled out my phone to distract myself.

I exited the building and got my car from the security guard. I drove back to the mansion. Eve was waiting for me, running in circles and biting her nails. I called out her name when I entered the mansion and parked my car.

"Jen! Someone left this for you...!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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