Would You Rather...

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Hey! I am so excited to see which options are the most popular. If you want you can add a because too for your choices. Ok now let the choosing begin! I will keep updating this with more would you rather questions when I get more ideas so that's that. Oki enjoy!

-  Would you rather hang out with Gilly or Jax for one day?

- Would you rather hang out with Kayla or Ollie for one day?

- Would you rather hang out with Jocelyn or AG for one day?

- Would you rather have an unlimited supply of pattycakes or chocolate pudding?

- Would you rather have a pet mouse or a pet cat?

- Would you rather have Jax as a best friend or Gilly as a best friend? (pls add why I wanna know!)

-  Would you rather live in the castle or the main part of Enchansia?

- Would you rather be rich or famous?

- Would you rather be a fairy or a witch?

- Would you rather have a crush on Jack and he knows about it or tell Kayla your secret crush but forget to make her promise not to tell anyone and she tells everyone?

- Would you rather eat one of Ollie's pattycakes or make Gilly mad?

If you guys have any more ideas on more would you rather questions then comment them here and I'll add them to the post and tag you if you want (mention that too). Also just wondering... who is your favorite, Gilly or Jax? And why??? Oki hope these questions were nice, byeeeeeeeeeee!

- Luna

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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