When in doubt break into their apartment..

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Parking my car down the street away from their apartment I kept my head down, hoodie up as I made my way towards the door.
Reid was the tech maniac so I was sure there were security cameras propped around but my hoodie and black mask would have to do for now.
Fuck the consequences, a girl was desperate.

It was Halloween night, and every house I pass is ornamented, some almost with a child-like manifestation others did the job of looking creepy. Multiple human-sized mannequins stood outside the house beside my mates. Dressed in all black with these deranged-looking masks the heads seem to move with some sort of sensor. The eyeballs move tracking me as I pass them.
In the far distance, a dark beat echoes from somebody's party, except I can pick up screams between the music.

The familiarity I had with the layout helped but it also sent a pang to my chest. I could walk the map to their house with my eyes closed.
The door open I stared into the dark hallway.
Goddamn, there were so many memories.

One step in.
Nothing had changed.
Everything had changed.

Not one sign I existed showed on the walls. A clinically clean house with a cold breeze floating through the air. Before I could get caught up in being nosy I placed one high-tech listening device in the living room between the kitchen. Exactly where they would gather and have conversations. Discussions I was desperate to be a part of.
The guy I got the device from had specially designed them with zero frequency making them almost impossible to detect.

Taking a harsh sniff I tried to find their scent but failed. That hurt so I did what any sane woman would do I ran to their bedrooms into their closets.

Jackson's room was like a tomb of memorabilia his trophies and cups. Basketball lying on the ground. A large TV opposite his bed. It looked alive as though he lived in it. On his shelf was a rather large collection of black spine art books. I didn't touch them they were hexed I could smell the magic coming off them.
One of his hoodies in hand I moved on to my next mates.

East had always been a control freak. Sure in bed it was great but one look around the room and I was afraid my shadow would sabotage its edges. I didn't dare step one foot inside for his shadow powers detecting mine. An intricate trap laid bare.

Folded on his bed were his clothes. The window was cracked with a coolness in the air. Not a single personal Item hung in the room. I knew from memories there was an entire arsenal of weapons in the back of his closet. One room curtains the room of weapons. You misplace an item and East senses it automatically. The shadow man with ocd both characteristics mesh in an uncomfortable way. If his ocd doesn't make him particular his shadow magic will alert him of something out of the ordinary.

Above his bed is a painting of a black void, if you look closely enough you can see the shapes form creatures. The ones he sees and communicates with. The version of his reality.

Reid's room was true to his character. Research papers were on his desktop. Piles of books. From the floor to the top, they crept around every wall.
A Rubix cube I knew he could crack with his eyes closed sat on his bedside table.
Marbles in a jar. Random yet true to himself because I'm only a girl I stole a marble and tucked it into my pocket. The pink one.

Behind his desk where his laptop and some files sat was a large corkscrew board. Strings attach from one paper to another. I couldn't understand one bit of his genius workings.
Asides from a classic grey profile of a women right at the middle of his case. A question mark on the image in bright red.

My last stop was the pack room, it was empty. It was wiped clean, the deep burgundy colour I'd picked was no longer there, neither was the furs and cheetah print.
I turned around with my haul in hand and left. Everything I had been apart of was gone.
There was no sign we had spent years growing up together. Pushing back the urge to cry, I sigh.
Somebody had wiped me out of their life.
Someone was playing god and my power did not like that one bit.

It took a considerable amount of force to push her down and away. My arm had marks from where I'd bit myself to take control of my powers.
This night had been a bust.
All I wanted was my bed and to let the tears fall maybe scream into my pillow while I'm at it.

Light on my feet I jogged towards my car confused when I couldn't spot it straight away. Hair whipping around my face I panted with confusion, not exertion. There was a animal like howl from close by. It seemed like the clouds had lowered down to cover the supernatural.

I had Parked my car right here but it wasn't there. It didn't make sense unless someone had followed me.
Unless the boys had followed me?
Shit. I had screwed up already. This is exactly why in the past when we did heists and such I was partnered up under East's control.

The only lights came from the street lights above me. Pulling my hoodie tighter around myself I moved into the shadows that wrapped themselves willingly around me, welcoming me into their embrace. For once in a long time I was grateful for the shady power I contained inside me.

There was something so pacifying about them I thought to myself as I made my way back to the academy. Usually, my power was not as considerate enough to keep me warm and cocooned up.

Someone knew I was going to the boy's apartment. It was a problem. A big one.
I didn't feel much of the cold deep in the shadows as I climbed the wall to my window.

Doing a quick search for my car I frowned when I saw it Parked in its usual spot. The situation was unusual. Someone drove my car back to my apartment.
No one but the boys could have a copy of my keys.
Yet it was impossible since they did not remember me.

As I slid into my room I felt the frigid air that hadn't touched me before. Shadows slowly like a lover's caress letting go of me. Unlike my shadows, these didn't want to let go.
Then it hit me.
They were not regular shadows hiding me.
The silk-like essence to the touch, a biting warmth that lingers even after it's gone.
East had been there. That was his shadows. Not mine.

East was able to shadow walk with his powers so that would explain why I hadn't felt the mate pull.
My room was pin-drop silent as I stood at the window taking in this new detail. Why would he walk me back after I'd broken into their apartment?
Why? How?

With a growl of distress, I made my way to the Shower. Tomorrow we had a force test, they were brutal and I'd probably break more than one bone in there.

Devon creates these simulations that break you and put you back together. Either he's going to throw us into the fighting pits where we meet the monsters from hell or he's going to send us up into the godforsaken nightmare chasm. It's exactly what the name suggests.

With my mates hoodies around me I curled into a ball. Eyes drifting shut instantly I was met with the dreams that wait for me with bated breath.

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