No Escape

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[Scene: Sunset Hill]

[Sonic runs through a Loop, steps on a Spring and grabs a group of Rings. He heads into the tunnel to grab more. To the right is a rectangular arena surrounded by quarter pipes. He skids to a halt. Eggman appears on the other side in a circular rolling machine and faces Sonic. Sonic calls Tails to join in the battle. They avoid two rolling attacks from Eggman. They point and laugh at him. Eggman rolls again and hits Sonic, causing him to drop rings. Eggman rolls along the upper end of the arena, while Tails helps Sonic up, allowing him to pull off a homing attack on Eggman's machine and destroy it, revealing its Eggmobile and a singed Eggman while Sonic and Tails celebrate and jump. Eggman flies away. A Gold-star Ring hovers down from above. They jump and reach the ring together and high-five in mid-air.]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City]

[The screen fades to the present. Sonic And Mane 7 looks at the shield engulfing Them.]
[Scene Change: The Grim]

[Nine looks at one of the monitors. Crystal structures break up and float in the air.]
Tails Nine: I'm running out of time. My world will never be completely safe without Sonic Energy And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic. [Nine turns and looks at another monitor, showing his Shattercraft downed in a river at No Place.] Time to finish what I started.
[He draws two of his mechanical tails and extracts energy from the Paradox Prism. He delivers the energy to Alpha Grim Birdie. In a bright green vapor cloud, Grim Birdies clone out of the Alpha.]
Tails Nine: If Sonic And Mane 7 wants to save those pirates, They have to come and get them. Grim Birdies, bring the pirates to me.
[The cloned Grim Birdies set off from the top of the citadel's tower.]
[The opening theme plays.]

[Scene Change: New Yoke City]

[Denizens and Sonic And Mane 7 cross the road and run into the Yoke's entrance. Sonic And Mane 7 hears a mechanical caw and stops by the doorway, looking up to see four Grim Birdies flying by.]
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]

[Cut to inside the Yoke, showing a meter hovering at just under full power.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The dome will only hold so long. And given the rate we're burning through our reserves of Shard power, that won't be long at all.
[Rebel and Knucks see the quad of Grim Birdies through the window.]
Rebel Rouge: Bogies at Eleven o'clock.
Renegade Knucks: [Punches his fists together] Another flock of robo roosters.
Rebel Rouge: Nine's watching.
Renegade Knucks: Ain't that a treat?
Black Rose: [Popping up] Batten down the hatches, buckos. Soon as that thar shield gives, we're as good as gull food.
Thorn Rose: Speak for yourself.
[Birdie speaks in agreement.]
Rusty Rose: The last batch was overwhelmed by the three of us. We will handle them.
Dr. Done-It: Balderdash! Nobody will be handling anything if we're all disintegrated.
Prim Rouge: Should we thank you for destroying our homes, too?
Dr. Done-It: Ungrateful little pest. First, we invite you into the safety of our citadel, then you track mud all over our clean floors, now this!
Renegade Knucks: Hey, ain't you the ones that caused this mess in the first place? Opening the portals in the sky?
Dr. Done-It: Oh, that tears it!
[Dr. Done-It spins and lights up his walking cane, threatening Knucks with his weapon. Sonic And Mane 7 dashes in through the doors into Yoke HQ and knocks the weapon off Dr. Done-It.]
Sonic: We're all friends here, [As Knucks and Dr. Done-It clash heads, Sonic And Mane 7 breaks them up again, forcing them apart.] mostly. And there's more than enough mutually assured destruction to go around. No need to double down now, given all the sweat and tears we put into saving each other's skins. Speaking of which, this way, folks. Despite what it looks like, you're safe here.
Sunny: You Be OK When You're Safe!
[Another door opens. Eggforcers and Denizens walk through the doorway, looking around their surroundings. Sonic And Mane 7 counts them, while they walk past another doorway, and realizes something.]
Sonic: Wait a minute. Black Rose, where's the rest of your crew? Batten? Sails? Catfish?
Izzy: Yes Where Your Crew?
Black Rose: [Blinks] Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place. Has no one seen them? Dread?
[Cut to Dread sat against the wall, he shrugs]
Sonic: They're still in No Place.
Mane 7: Oh No!
Dr. Don't: Not for long. That place is shattering at the seams. [Dr. Don't displays a monitor showing No Place close to being ruined.] If your friends are there, it's game over.
Hitch: OK We Need To Save Them!
Sonic: [Pauses] Hitch Right ,We have to try.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: There's no time.
Sonic: We not leaving anyone behind. We can't.
Izzy: Friends Don't Leave Behind!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: You Al have no choice.
Dr. Done-It: We all know what'll happen if the fox gets his paws on you And Poines Cute Mark Magic. And I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs while you give away the store.
[He pokes Sonic And Mane 7 with his cane.]
Dr. Don't: Samesies.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Kicking Dr. Done-It away] Agreed. And let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your wellbeing.
Sonic: Noted. Now that we've got that cleared up, back in a jiff.
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs off, but it stopped immediately by Rebel.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic And Mane 7, I hate to admit it, but they've got a point. It's too dangerous. You can't risk Themself.
Sonic: I'm sorry, Rebel, but We can't risk the lives of Our friends.
Rebel Rouge: You're risking them either way.
Renegade Knucks: You can't let Nine get a hold of All you, Blue And Color.
Sonic: But I'd do the same for any of you. Besides, what part of "back in a jiff" do you guys not get? I'm fast. It's my thing.
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs off again, but a sword is thrown and sticks to the wall in-front of Them, causing Them to stop again.]
Sonic: [Annoyed] You, too?
Izzy: You On Their Side?
Black Rose: I'm afraid you've All mistaken our intentions. You'll All be needing a ship to bring Them back in, won't 'che? [Sonic smiles] I'll be your captain, former captain.
[Sonic And Mane 7 turns to Dread, still in the corner.]
Sonic: How about it, Dread? Care to hit the high seas again?
Izzy: Please?
Knuckles the Dread: If there be no treasure, what's in it for me?
Hitch: Yes About Steal The Blue Shard?
Black Rose: Some legend yee are. [Picks up her sword] Come on. Time's a wasting.
[The door opens. Black, Sonic And Mane 7, Rusty, Thorn and Birdie walk out.]
[Scene Change: The Grim]

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