just a kiss ([NOT IN THE AU])

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Chapter 1
The Unbreakable Bond

Rose stared out the bedroom window, watching thick smoke billow in the distance. The city was burning, consumed by the ravenous flames that crept ever closer to her neighborhood. But her mind wasn't on the encroaching disaster. It was focused solely on Daphidil.

They had been inseparable since meeting on the playground at age 5. From battling imaginary monsters to sharing innermost secrets, their friendship defied any obstacle. Rose couldn't fathom a world without Daphidil by her side.

A pounding at the door broke her trance. "Rose! We have to evacuate now before it's too late!" Her mother's panicked voice pierced the room.

Clutching her phone desperately, Rose fired off one last text to Daphidil - "Meet me at our spot?"

Chapter 2
The Crumbling City

The streets were pure chaos. Screams and sirens created a cacophony of terror as people fled the hungering fire. Rose shoved her way through the crowd, driven by the burning need to reach their special place - an abandoned brewery on the outskirts of town where they had shared so many adventures over the years.

As Rose neared the old building, her heart stopped. Flames hungrily licked at the decaying structure, smoke pouring from shattered windows. She broke into a sprint, ignoring the blistering heat.

"Daphidil!" Rose's voice cracked as she searched the area desperately. "Daphidil, where are you?"

A feeble cough responded from within the burning brewery.

Chapter 3
No Turning Back 

Without a second thought, Rose plunged into the blazing inferno...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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