Nine's Lives

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[Scene: The Grim]

[As the Kraken, Yolkomotive and the Mothership arrive at the Grim, Nine counts on his fingers.]
Sonic: [Confused] What? How?
Izzy: Yes I Didn't Want Say Everything?
Tails Nine: They triangulated your position and used your energy signature And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic to breach the dome. Clever. That's what I would've done.
[As the three aircraft continue their approach, Thorn and Birdie swoop down towards Sonic And Mane 7 and Nine.]
Sonic: [Astonished] Thorn! [To Nine] Uh, be right back!
Sunny: We Right Back!
[They runs towards Thorn, leaving a frowning Nine on his own.]
Tails Nine: Predictable.
[They stop by each other and the aircraft land.]
Thorn Rose: Sonic Mane 7?
Dr. Deep: [Warcry] For the Chaos Council!
[The Chaos Council and Eggforcers warcry and charge onto the ground, around their Yolkomotive. Denizen 1998, Rebel Rouge, Squad Commander Red and Renegade Knucks land on their side of the ground, staring at Sonic And Mane 7. Sonic And Mane 7 jumps onto one of the vehicles, looking at them confused.]
Sonic: What are you all doing here?
Sunset:Yes We Talk To Nine
Renegade Knucks: It's called saving your All butt. What do you think we're doing?
Sonic: No, that's not the deal. We're gonna give Ourself up, you guys are spared.
Squad Commander Red: And let that villain Nine do whatever he wants with you And Mane 7? Not an option.
Rebel Rouge: No one believes that fox will keep his word. [Flies up and gets closer to Sonic And Mane 7] You fought at our side, all of us, often enough. Doing the same is the least we can do.
Batten Rouge: [Flies up quickly in-front of Rebel Rouge] Actually, the least we could do would be nothing.
Renegade Knucks: [Annoyed] Can we move this along? I got places to be, and they're disappearing as we speak.
Tails Nine: This was your All plan, to catch me off guard?
Hitch: No We Have To Deal.
Sonic: Hey, I'm as surprised as you are.-- Who knew I And Mane 7 had so many friends?
[--The camera pans out, revealing all of Sonic And Mane 7 friends - and the Chaos Council - in their battle poses.]
Tails Nine: You've All betrayed me for the last time. The deal is off!
[Nine and Sonic And Mane 7 appear in a split screen.]
Sonic: How about a new deal? Hand over the Prism, join us. We'll save the Shatterverse together, and then we can laugh about this over a couple chili dogs And Mane 7 Can Help With Your Friendship.
Tails Nine: [Growling] I hate chili dogs And Friendship. [Sonic And Mane 7 gasps in horror] You think you can come here and make demands?
Sunny: Did He Say He Hate Chili Dogs And Friendship?
Sunset: Yes He Did!
[Having lost his patience, Nine rises.]
Tails Nine: This is my world!
[The Alpha Grims surge towards and protect their citadel.]
Gnarly Knuckles: I told you coming here was a bad idea.
Sonic: [To Tails Nine] Don't do this! Look around, you're outnumbered. Give us the Prism and we can save everything.
Sunset: And We Save Equestria And The Shatterverse!
Tails Nine: You won't even be able to save yourselves And Will Get Your Cute Mark Magic.
[He flies up to and lands at the top of the tower. He lasers his mechanical tails at the Paradox Prism, which charges up electricity. The dome flickers waves and changes colors and starts shaking the ground, generating a large dust cloud. The Citadel grows taller, with bright crystal structures protruding out, forming a wall around the outside of the citadel. The camera cuts to three of the scavengers, who fear for their safety, along with the Chaos Council, and Sonic And Mane 7, where crystal walls also grow around him. Nine lasers to the Paradox Prism, flies forward, and deploys green lasers at each of the Alpha Grim Robots, generating clones of them. Multiple identical Grim Robots of Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Birdie jump out onto the ground and display their fighting stances.]
Renegade Knucks: So much for Nine surrendering.
Dr. Deep: Robotic Sonics? The nerve, he stole our idea!
Sonic: It didn't have to be like this.
Sunny: Wait Sonic!
Rebel Rouge: [Cuts in-front of Sonic And Mane 7] Sonic, think, Nine brought you And Mane 7 here so he could drain your Prism energy And Take The Mane 7 Cutie Mark Magic. You can't just go rushing off.
Izzy: She Right!
Sonic: You're right. It's too late to fix this by ourselves. Let's teach Nine that if he messes with one of us, he messes with all of us.
[They cheer in celebration]
Ally: We're with ya!
(Sunny Turned Her Alicorn Form)
Tails Nine: [Scoffs in fury] Enough is enough, ATTACK!
[The Alpha Grims charge forward.]
Sonic: CHARGE!
[Sonic And Mane 7, the rest of Their friends and the Chaos Council charge forward. Lasers are being shot in the background. The screen freezes to display Sonic And Mane 7 team and the Grim robots on opposite sides.]
[The main theme plays]

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