Troll in the dungeon

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I woke up at 6 and gave arylo his kibble, then I got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. On my way, I find Trevor Nevilles toad. I picked him up and took him with me, and I will give him back to Neville when he gets here. I grabbed my copy of Hogwarts a history out of my bag and started to  read  until the food showed up soon. hermione came in,
Hermione: Hey y/n/n, is that Trevor?
Y/n: Yeah, I found him in the corridor  on my way here .
Hermione then sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder, and joined me in reading my book
After about 20 minutes, the food appeared, and we both filled my plate with our food and ate and continued to eat in a comfortable silence. By 7:30, Neville walks in
Y/n: Hey mione, I'll be back
I head over to Neville with Trevor Im my hands .
Y/n: Hey Neville look who I found wandering the corridor this morning
I said while I handed Trevor to him
Neville: thanks y/n I didn't even know he got out .
Y/n: No problem, nev it, what friends are for
Then I waved bye and headed back towards mione
Hermione: that was nice of you to watch Trevor for Neville
Y/n it's what friends should do
Hermione: I'm gonna go sit with Harry and Ron now. I'll see you in charms
Y/n: See ya
I went back to reading and found a note
( I loved reading together. We should do it more - mione )
I blushed and used the note as my bookmark and packed up and headed to Potions
after Potions, I had charms with mione
Flitwick: good morning miss l/n
Y/n: morning professor what you teaching us today
Flitwick: wingardium leviosa
I nod my head then head to my seat . Soon everyone is seated .
Flitwick: One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you have your feathers? Hermione raised hers. Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising. Hmm? The swish and flick.
Everyone: The swish and flick.
Flitwick: Good. Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then. I practiced and got it on my third attempt
Flitwick: look here y/n has done it
Then I looked around to see who else has and i see hermione helping Ron with the pronunciation
Ron: Wingardrium Leviosar! Ron  waves his wand really fast numerous times because he thinks the spell didn't work. Hermione stopped him.
Hermione: No, stop, stop, stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar.
Ron: You do it, then, if you're so clever. Go on, go on.
Hermione did it flawlessly and I copied our feathers floated up together
Flitwick: look her miss grangers done it
I spotted Seamus continued to try and then his feather exploded causing the class to go silent
Harry I think we need another feather over here professor
After class Ron was In a huff so I stayed back and walked with mione
Y/n: I think it was nice of you to help Ron even if he was being rude
Hermione thanks y/n I
She got interrupted by Ron talking super loudly
Ron: It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaaaar. She's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends!
Hermione then ran and I ran after her
Harry: I think she heard you.
Y/n: Hermione
But she was gone by the time I could finish saying her name I then turned to Ron
Y/n: what is your problem she was helping you! You idiot
I then ran to go find Hermione i ran but couldn't find her until I bumped into trinity and asked if she had seen mione
Trinity: yeah she ran into the girls washroom in the dungeons
Y/n: thank you
I then ran to the washroom and once I got to the door I stopped to catch my breath then I went in
Y/n: Hermione are you in here
Hermione: yeah last stall
Her voice was shakey and cracked when she spoke . I walked over to the stall and pushed the door open. There she was with puffy red eyes and tears on her face , i just opened my arms inviting her in for a hug. She ran into my arms and just cried
Y/n: he doesn't know what he's talking about you and amazing and kind. Your not annoying
Hermione: he said I have no friends and it's true I don't nobody like a know it all .
Y/n: what am I chopped liver . You have me and Neville . Your not alone and you never will be .
She let me go and looked at me
Hermione: thank you y/n
Once she was calm we stepped out of the stall and she washed her face
Y/n: mione don't move
She turned towards me worried then turned to what I was looking at and saw a huge troll . I ran to her and pushed her into the stall, I then stood in front of the stall to protect Hermione . The troll started swinging his club around braking everything then he hit me to a side and swung at the stalls
Y/n: get down
Then I stood up and touched my head and felt blood running down my face and touched my left arm and winced
Y/n: definitely broken
Then in comes Ron and harry wands at the ready
Y/n: help hermione
Then I passed out from my injuries
Harry: Hermione move
Hermione ran to the wall with the sinks trying to hide.  The troll swung at her but she moved before he could hit her
Ron: hey pee brain
He said when he threw a piece of wood at the troll
Hermione: (screams) Help!
Harry got out his wand and ran forward and grabbed the troll's club and is lifted up.

Harry: Whoa! He landed on the troll's shoulders and is hurled around back and forth. Harry's wand shoots up the troll's nose. The troll groans in disgust.
Ron: Ew!
Harry: Whoa, whoa-whoa!
The troll was swinging back and forth in discomfort the grabbed harry off its shoulders and held  him up with one leg.
Harry: Do something!
The troll raised its club and swipes at Harry. But harry pulled himself up, then down.
Ron: What?
Harry: Anything!
the troll swiped at Harry again Hurry up!
Hermione: Swish and flick!
Ron: Wingardium Leviosa!  The troll's club then lifted out of one of his hands and hovered above its head. The troll looks at his hand and opened it, then looked up, confused, just as the club comes crashing back down.
It hit the troll on its head so hard that the troll wavered then dropped Harry who crawled away, as the troll slowly came crashing down, knocked out. Hermione: Is it dead?
Harry: I don't think so. Just knocked out. He grabbed his wand which is covered in mucus.
Harry: Ugh! Troll bogies.
Harry then wiped his wand on his robes.  Then Suddenly, McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell came rushing in. They all gasp at the knocked out troll. Snape ran over to y/n
McGonagall: Oh! Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!
Ron and Harry: Well, what it is...
Hermione: It's my fault, Professor
McGonagall: Miss Granger?
Hermione: y/n and i went looking for the troll. We had read about them and thought we could handle it. But we were wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found us, we'd probably be dead.
McGonagall: Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do.
McGonagall:I would've expected more rational behavior on your part and am very disappointed in you both, . Five points will be taken from Gryffindor  and ravenclaw for your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first-year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you, for sheer dumb luck.
McGonagall  then transfigured a stall door into a streacher and helps sanpe put Y/n on it then proceeds leave the bathroom
Quirrell: Perhaps you ought to go. It m-might wake up. Heh.

Authors note
Hey potter heads did you see Snape has a connection with y/n should I write more Snape scenes with y/n ?

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