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[The episode starts with ominous, slow and tense music in the background. The screen fades from black to a close up of Sonic and Mane 7 - lying face down on the ground - with smoke covering the background. The smoke clears as voices echo and allies run in the background.]
Squad Commander Red: Hold your positions.
Renegade Knucks: What is happening?
Squad Commander Red: Reinforcements are coming.
Dr. Deep: I'm getting destroyed out here.
Rebel Rouge: Get up, Sonic Mane 7. Get up!
[Sonic And Mane  opens Their eyes and gets up, gasping and panting as They looks at the size of Grim Big.]
Sonic: Oh, no. No, no, no.
[Grim Big's head opens, deploying a flurry of small Froggy-style bombs, approaching Sonic And Mane 7 - whom flails Their arms in panic.]
Sonic: Scatter!
Izzy: Run!
[The bombs explode on the ground in puffs of smoke.]
Squad Commander Red: Coming in hot. Take cover!
[As Jack yells, Sonic And Mane 7 looks up at the giant robot. It deploys more Froggy bombs. One of them hits an Eggforcer and Denizen 1998, sending the cat flying and falling flat on his face. Froggy croaks. Sonic And Mane 7 intercepts another bomb with his feet. They peels out, pushing Denizen 1998 away from Grim Big's incoming tail attack. Knucks and more of Sonic's And Mane 7 allies head towards Grim Big. The giant robot locks onto the Mothership, and deploys more Froggy Bombs. They home in on the Mothership. Mr. Dr. Eggman screams inside the cockpit as the bombs explode all around it.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Nooo!
[The Mothership cannons break down, the ship itself engulfs into flames. Mr. Dr. Eggman looks at the monitor.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The Mothership cannons are down. I need some assistance.
[A group of Grim Birdies head toward the Mothership.]
Dr. Done-It: One bucket of fried robo-chicken coming up!
[The Yolkomotive fires bullets and takes down some Grim Birdies. Nine watches on, growling in anger. The Kraken - with Black Rose and Rusty Rose on the bridge - flies alongside the Yolkomotive.]
Rusty Rose: We too are on our way.
Tails Nine: Stop the ships!
[Nine deploys another horde of Grim Birdies and Grim Rouges to try to intercept the three aircraft. They fly toward the Kraken. Rusty jumps off the bridge and start shooting from the turret. Meanwhile, A Grim Birdie squawks and flexes in-front of Dr. Done-It.]
Dr. Done-It: Huh? Wah!
[Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep fly alongside each other, approaching Grim Big. Dr. Babble babbles and then makes the sound of a cat meowing, adjusting his mech's shoulders to look like a pair of cat ears from the viewer's point of view.]
Dr. Deep: Indeed. And like all kitty cats, it's evil to the core. Prepare to flank on my mark.
[Grim Big's tail swipes and knocks them both out, causing them to scream.]
Jack: Flee! Flee for your lives!
[Sonic And Mane 7 fights a group of Grim robots. Grim Big targets Them.]
Sonic: Ha, whoa!
[Grim Big hovers forward, with Rebel watching on and Sonic And Mane 7 continuing to battle.]
Rebel Rouge: It's focused on Sonic And Mane 7.
Dr. Don't: Which means it won't see me coming. Boss battle.
[Dr. Don't commands a group of Eggforcers to go after Grim Big. As they approach, the giant robot, the camera cuts to Dr. Don't, who is seen dodging raining Eggforcer parts.]
Dr. Don't: What, huh?
[Grim Big then locks its target on him.]
Dr. Don't: Can I get a restart? What the?
[Dr. Don't chucks away his controllers and makes a bee-line away from it while it deploys a mass number of Froggy bombs, which explode and send him flying while trying to hang on to his seat. Grim Big's tail slams on the ground. Batten Rouge, having witnessed the dust cloud, flies up to safety while the tail breaks Grim Amy. Sonic And Mane 7 and Their allies retreat, fearing the worst, but Grim Big's tail slams the ground again, sending them flying a short distance.]
Sonic: [Angrily] That's it, your nine evil robo-lives just ran out.
[Sonic makes a run for it.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic wait, hang back. Stick to the plan!
Sunny: You Hear Her Stick The Plan!
(Mane 7 Follow Soinc)
[Tails Nine watches on in disgust.]
Tails Nine: Predictable.
[Sonic And Mane 7 weaves past incoming Grim robots, but screams as They is blown back again by Grim Big's swinging tail.]
[They falls and skids on the ground, grunting and coughing]
Tails Nine: After Them!
Nine clones another Grim Sonic. A group of four surround an exhausted Sonic And Mane 7.]
Sonic: Right, stick to the plan.
Mane 7: Right!
[The main theme plays]

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