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This is Emily my very most precious best friend. You all might know her as "pokemonlovea" but I know her as the beat to my heart, the special thing that keeps me going all day, and most of all my best friend/sister. now the picture above is the forth of July, other people think she might look silly and weird but I think she looks darn right good. (not lesbians though). Any way sometimes we get in fights and when we do we say something like this "I don't think we should be friends any more" or "you are so conceded" but in side our minds we are thinking I can't live without her or I am not letting a small fight get into this big outrage. I think someone who is reading this can relate to something sort of like this in the past or right now. Some of Emily's qualities are : funny
: silly
: beautiful
: life changing
Those are just a very little proportion of those qualities.

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