3| Wallet.

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3| Wallet

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3| Wallet.

The next morning, Trisha was getting ready for the day when she noticed something unusual in her bag. She pulled out Shreyas' wallet and remembered he had handed it to her for safekeeping amidst the crowd at the stadium.

"Great, Trisha, you have his wallet," she muttered to herself, holding the wallet and debating her next move. "Do I text him? Or call him? I mean, it’s just a wallet... but I kind of want to hear his voice."

After a moment's hesitation, she decided to call. Her heart raced as the phone rang, and Shreyas answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" came Shreyas' voice, slightly out of breath.

"Hey, Shreyas. It's Trisha," she said, trying to sound casual.

"Trisha! Good morning. What's up?" he asked, his tone brightening.

"Good morning. So, um, funny story," she began, glancing at the wallet. "I found your wallet in my bag. You gave it to me to keep safe at the match, remember?"

"Oh no, I completely forgot about that! Thanks for letting me know," Shreyas said, relief evident in his voice. "I was wondering where it went."

"Well, I can bring it over to you," Trisha offered. "Just send me the address, and I’ll come by."

"That would be great. But I'm at practice right now. Are you sure it's not too much trouble?" Shreyas asked, sounding concerned.

"Not at all. It'll be nice to see where you train," Trisha replied, her excitement barely contained.

"Alright, I'll text you the address. Thanks, Trisha. You're a lifesaver," Shreyas said gratefully.

"No problem. See you soon," she said before hanging up.

Within minutes, her phone buzzed with a message from Shreyas, giving her the address of the training ground.

Trisha examined her reflection in the mirror, adjusting the sleek black dress that hugged her figure. The dress was a stunning piece, with elegant lace-up sides and a high slit that showed off her long legs. The high neckline added a touch of sophistication, while the strappy black heels she wore completed the look with a touch of allure.

"Alright, Trisha, you're good to go," she said to herself, grabbing Shreyas' wallet and her keys.

She made her way to the car, sliding into the driver's seat and pulling up the address Shreyas had sent her on her phone. She entered the location into the GPS and started the engine.

As she drove through the busy streets of Mumbai, her mind wandered to Shreyas and the events of the past night. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him again.

"I hope he isn't too distracted during practice because of me," she mused, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. "Then again, I’m probably flattering myself."

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