When did i strip naked?

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Though I'd slept long I wake up with my body protesting. I attempt to stretch my arms and legs.
"What" I try to whisper. I couldn't move. Hands above my head, legs spread I was tied to my fucking bed.
That threw me off but it also made me realise I had something covering my mouth.
Panic exploded over my tongue like I'd bit into a blueberry. Except this one was unpleasant until I felt my mate pull like an alert button blearing in my mind.

Once I knew it was them a part of me relaxed but then I remember they don't know me so I could not relax. They were unpredictable and not the men I knew them to so I'd have to be careful.
This was so them. Of course, they'd wait for me to be unsuspecting before they tied me up to get into my head.

I bucked and pulled against the ropes and made no difference apart from being aware I was on display like a chicken with my tank top and boxers.
Half of me wished I'd slept naked so I could use my womanly appeal to get out of this situation.

"Okay, I know you're here" I try to speak around the tape that was stuck on my face. I could already see the burn it would leave me with when they ripped it off. I'd look like a 16-year-old who was trying to wax her upper lip hair.
Wrong time to be thinking of that I reprimanded myself and held still.

The boys were shrouded in shadows but like evil shadows. Very evil. Shrouded in darkness they stepped forward.
Heat swam in my belly at the sight of them.
Wrong time and bad instincts. At least I had some.

East stood at the end of the bed looking down at me. Reid ever the curious one walked around the bed taking me in. His eyes drank me in like he was parched.
"Tempting sight" he mummers stroking a finger down my leg "spread out like a buffet" 
Jackson strode over to me and in a quick motion ripped the tape off.

"Fuck!" I gritted out but before I could go further he slapped a palm over my mouth and leaned down into my face.

"Shhh, could you stay quiet for me yeah?" When I didn't reply because I was taking in his glinting blue eyes and the sharp lines of his cheekbones, the feel of his palm on my skin grew tighter as he dug his fingers into my face harder.
"Yeah? Can you do that for me? Stay quiet" he sounded almost mocking as he spoke with this domineering tone that rather than terrifying me made me wet.
I was only a woman goddamn it.

I nodded and he gave me a sneer-like grin "Good girl"
Then with a rather degrading pat on my cheek, he let my face go and stood over me.

I took turns staring at them other than Reid who was now walking around my room touching my Items the other two stared at me.

I thanked my previous self for boxing every memory I had of them away apart from the stupid hoodies I risked everything to get my hands on.

"Lana I think you and I need to talk" East's face was stoic as he crossed his arms.
"You think?" I tugged on the bindings around my wrists.
Green eyes flared in anger that should have been my warning as he launched forward and straddled me. East never had been one for backtalk and my attitude.

Fisting my hair in a tight hold he pulled me face up so it was centimetres from his.
"Yeah Lana I do think so"
He was playing with me and god it pissed me off just as much as it turned me on. I had always thrived under their attention, especially East's discipline.

With his thick muscular thighs above me, the bulge in his pants against me. I resisted the urge to squirm.

"What was it you were doing in my house?" His words were hot against my mouth. My breaths coming out faster.
"Are you one of those desperate little whores that can't help themselves?" He purred with a dark chuckle when my eyes fluttered.

"Start speaking before I lose patience and snap your spine for wasting my time" I mean I should be afraid but I'd always been fairly confident in my powers no matter how long I'd been playing powerless.
I could kill them in a blink of an eye.

"It was a dare" I tried to shrug but the hand that was holding me by my hair was tight.
"oh Lana why would you lie to a man like me" he seemed almost giddy at the fact I'd lied. A challenge was thrown to a man who felt like a god. It had taken years for him to realise we were equals no matter the dynamic in bed. This meant I was going to relive the fight of dragging myself to the top right beside him all over again.

Moving me like I was simply an object he flipped me over the robes burning with the movement.
"Keep her there" he ordered and Jackson shoved my head down into the mattress with a humourless laugh.
Fuck them for enjoying this and fuck me for enjoying it too.

"Let's try this again" he massaged the globes of my ass.
"Why the fuck were you sneaking into my house"
For a second I contemplated denying it because I had no idea what to say it's not like I could come right out with the truth.

"Do you have proof?" I barely got the words out when he yanked down my shorts and slapped his Palm against my ass. Hard. His palm felt like an object. Wood, a whip.
"Ow!" With a growl, I fought against the hand Jackson had on my cheek but somehow the grip turned punishing.
"Did it hurt?" East sounded almost regretful but I know it was a mockery of the real emotion.
When I nodded he hummed in satisfaction "Good I'll leave welts on this ass for every lie you tell me"

"Why were you in my house?"
"I don't know" I hissed then whimpered when he slapped his palm again, and again.
"That ass looks so pretty marked up" That was Jackson, I was struggling to focus on any of them when my pussy was throbbing and my ass was on fire.
"look at how wet she is" Reid replied though he sounded detached like a scientist taking in a new development.

I felt like someone had poured lava over my ass and then shoved me into a grill. East had a heavy palm that's for sure. I hated that I was enjoying the ride in my heart rate, the flow of my anxiety wrapping itself into a ball to be thrown away.
Feeling myself get wet I prayed his palm would hit between my thighs instead.

My ears pounding till I wasn't sure I could speak or breathe.
Was I alive?
"Heaven help I didn't sign up for this" I almost laugh hysterically at myself but then the next slap hit and it burned so fucking bad I screamed.
"What's heaven got to do this baby, you're feeling the flames of hell" Reid who was now standing by the bed leaned in close like a spectator at a football match.

Jackson lowered his face down till we were eye to eye.
"Looks like our little stalker is enjoying this"
Calling me a stalker which was an accurate description was a bad idea. What girl liked to be degraded by being called a stalker? Certainly not me. Call me a whore not a stalker.

So I spat at him. I shouldn't have, I know but calling me a stalker was mean not in the hot way.
Jack's jaw ticked, eyes hardening I regretted it instantly then when the son of a bitch spat right back at me I was ready to rip his soul out. I did not. I wish I did but I was a slave to mate pull.

The hits on my ass burned and I was sure I'd struggle to sit the rest of the day.
I was wet and horny also consumed with anger a bad combination if you ask me.
When the hits came to an end I almost sighed with relief.

East leaned over into my face "You shouldn't have walked your pretty ass into our lives"
At least he thinks my ass is pretty.

I couldn't speak I was lost in the madness that was my psychotic Mates.
A cold liquid was applied to my ass this time I did sigh with relief.
Yet I was still horny and desperate for them to make me cum or leave so I could do it myself.

"We're going to eat you alive" he stroked the hair off my face wiping the tears that had fallen.
Pulling my underwear up and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I almost came from the one finger he stroked over my underwear, it wasn't enough pressure but I was a fuse ready to blow.
"So wet for me already," East said almost lost in thought "I don't think you learnt your lesson completely"
A gasp of outrage built in my throat.
"You want me to fuck your pussy" he stroked me again, torturing me.
The moan I tried to hold in burst out and he chuckled.
"That's a yes, only good girls get their pussy used and you've been a bad girl" With that his hands left my body leaving me squirming and unsatisfied.

"See you soon little stalker" he untied the bindings and stepped away.
It sounded ominous because it was a threat. I'd attracted their attention and now I was getting it.
Fools. They wouldn't like the answer and I couldn't give it to them even if I wanted to.

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