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"Let's just wait for him to wake up, guys! I have done his first aid; he should be up in a while" said Sana, who had been silently checking Ami, Yui, Haru and Jun's Beyblades. She slightly turned towards them as the other nodded. The room fell into tensed silence, as they glanced at the unconscious boy waiting for him to wake up soon. Outside, the forest seemed to be holding it's breath as if the whole world is waiting for him to wake up as well. Unknown to them, things were far more than what meets the eye, far more dangerous...

Present time...

Ami's P.O.V.

It's been an hour since we found him unconscious like that... He hasn't gained his consciousness yet, we don't even know how he got there... I sighed, looking at the night sky as I sat leaning against the wall of the cave, I played with my Beyblade.

"Rudra, what do you think about the boy? It reminded me of the look he had. It was the first time I saw that look in his eyes, while I didn't know what to do. He seemed to be, I don't know struggling with something, like he wanted to convey something, but then he went blank. I still can't decipher what that look meant, what happened to him." I sighed, yet again, but I was startled when I felt a hand on my Shoulder, I looked up to see Haru and Yuna there.

No one's P.O.V.

Ami looked questioningly at them, looking at the questioning gaze, Yuna replied.

"Well, Sana asked you and Haru to investigate the place you found the boy unconscious" she said to which Ami sighed and nodded. Standing up and dusting her pants, she gestured to Haru to follow her. Yuna watched the two going, as they slowly disappeared from her sight. She sighed and went back inside where Yui, Jun and Sana waited.

Yuna's P.O.V.

I sighed as I went inside, as others waited. Sana raised a brow, I took that as a cue to start.

"Just the same." I sighed, I didn't need to say anything else as they understood.

"I wish I could make her understand whatever happened to him wasn't her fault." Yui said, as we all nodded.

"Let's just hope Haru talks to her about it. Now it's really necessary to knock some sense into her!" Sana exclaimed, as we cracked a small smile at her attempt to lighten up our mood.

No one's P.O.V.

Meanwhile, Ami and Haru walked towards the direction they found the boy unconscious. Looking at Ami lost in thoughts while walking, Haru smacked her head and kept walking looking here and there as if she did not just smacked her head. Ami turned towards her rubbing her head, "Why?" she almost whined.

"C'mon act like an adult, will ya?" she said making Ami scoff.

"Says the little Teenager" she muttered, running for her dear life when Haru chased after her muttering along the lines of "just wait you brat!" and they continued running until Ami slowed down a little making Haru get her into a headlock, as Ami held Haru's hand.

"Okay, okay! We're here!" she exclaimed, trying to get out of her grip. Well, yeah this side of them comes out once in a blue moon. Haru let her go, as she straightened up.

"Let's start in-" but she was interrupted when Haru asked.

"You looked lost in thoughts. What's the matter?" she asked, although she had an idea what it might be about. All of them have been observing her how she has gotten silent, ever since she came back with the boy.

"Not-" again Ami was interrupted.

"Better not lie, because I know you well enough to know you will say it's bEcAUsE oF tHe bOY" she said mimicking the last part, looking at her surprised expression though she tried to hide it.

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