Not breathing

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"Breath Lana" Linny croons from beside me.
"I'm breathing asshole" I scan the forest clearing.
There was a hunt in motion, Devon had thrown us in pairs into the back forest of the academy, but not before he let loose an inhumane beast for us to hunt.
Or the other way around. All of Devon's beasts were bloodthirsty. Someone Should have warned them so was I.

The trees waved in the breeze, clouds hung heavy in the air I was sure it was bound to rain any minute now. I could smell the rain clouds around us just the way I could hear the footsteps around us.
Crunching of leaves. Heavy breaths.

We walked in silence Linny behind me but she hadn't spoken in a while. Usually, we'd start together and because of Linny's impotence, we'd end up separately and alone.
Today I was adamant on winning this shit.

"We have to pass this one" I whisper tightening my hand around my knife.

Mud caked my palms from when I'd fallen and there were sticks in my hair and rips in my black top. Thank you miniature Horned beast. At least id beat his ass after he beat mine a couple of times.

One look behind me and I groan.
The girl had a knack for disappearing and now I was alone.
I sniffed the air for her scent but it fast fading in the wind that was picking up.
What I did pick up was I was being hunted.
Somehow in a matter of minutes, I'd turned from being the hunter to prey.

The silence hits right after, you'd think you couldn't hear silence but you can when it's stifling causing you to hold each breath you take. Every step I took seemed to echo back to me. The sky darkens a storm is incoming.

A crunch if leaves snaps my attention to the right. This time It wasn't me.
My feet moved on their own accord as I fled through the forest. Branches ripping against my skin, bounding over rocks and logs.
That's when the first droplet fell and then without any warning it turns into a heavy downpour and I slip face-first into the mud.

My hands dig into the rocks, my cheek hitting the ground,  mud caking my face as I scrabbled to right myself back up. A hiss escapes my lips I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding and falling right back on bruised bones.
I could hear feet pounding as they near me. If Linny was with me this would be less terrifying but I was alone so I was dying. No doubt about it.

Back on my feet, I run. Panting and so close to throwing up I dove behind a large tree.
My hands were no longer hands as they shook, I clenched them into fists. Just a weak physical body reacting to adrenaline and fear. If I let my power out this would be different if be the hunter but letting her out would expose everything I'd worked for.

My hair sticks to my skin, every drop of heavy rain hits my skin like a pinch. My teeth chatter as I try to remember the rules and lessons I've taken.

Then I felt the mate pull, it was one of my mates the fear switched to the excitement and I threw myself against branches ripping them out of my way. Irritation swims in my mind, this was my exam and one of them was seriously going to screw this up. I understood that I had messed up by breaking into their apartment but was this really necessary?

Jackson. He speaks my name in a sing-song tone so close to where I was. The asshole sure moved fast. One step behind right on my metaphorical tail.
"I can smell your fear or is that arousal?"
That does the trick as I shoot faster than ever back into motion but he was so close almost breathing on my back.

Wet from the rain running down my face, I blink hard to clear my sight. Every step I made was close to me slipping on my face again. I used my palms to stay up, but still, I winced at each scrape on my hands. Raw and bloody I keep my body moving. No thoughts just survival.

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