˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ -Chapter 1- ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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My entire body was shivering, and I felt nauseous. I almost feel like I had amnesia because I don't remember what happened, but I'm sure I didn't. When I eventually opened my eyes, all I could see was a hole. It felt like wood when I felt the area around me; therefore, I assumed it was some kind of crate. I sensed movement and heard splashes. Because I was delirious, I would have believed that I was floating on water, but I actually was. I discovered I was at sea by myself and trapped when I peered through the hole, or so I believed. I finally spotted someone standing in front of me after what felt like an eternity of waiting inside the crate; they must be helping Nota. They kneeled down and fixed their gaze squarely on mine. She stared at me until I heard someone cry, "Stop gazing at him like that; you're such a creep!" I completely agree with whoever said that. The person that was staring at me had dark brown hair and an eyepatch over their right (for me, left) eye. "You're no fun, ChiChi!" Was then screamed back by the individual in front of me. Another individual approached; I couldn't see their face, but they were wearing a black skirt and a white button-up blouse with puffy sleeves. The individual murmured trembling, "We-we hit shore." They came across as far too timid to be on the ship among these extroverted people. The person who was glaring at me turned her head to gaze at the person with the puffy sleeves. It was growing uncomfortable and difficult to breathe, and I questioned whether I would ever be able to leave this crate. I leaned back and inhaled deeply. I was still shivering but I was somehow feeling worse than I did before. "Sarah, he's not looking so good," A voice could be heard speaking. I couldn't understand what Sarah was saying since I was concentrating on keeping conscious. Everything seemed hazy until I passed out.

I woke up, but I wasn't in the crate anymore; instead, I was in another room. Given that the entire ship is made of wood, I wouldn't be surprised if I started to fear wood after this. To take me out of the crate, cover me, make sure I have water, and do all that other stuff, I'm surprised they even cared about me. I froze when I heard footsteps approaching because I still didn't know whether or not I could trust these people. Not just because someone was approaching, but also because my body was still hurting, I lay back down. The girl with the puffy sleeves walked in as the door squeaked open. "Hey, are you okay?" she inquired. "Yes, I-I believe so," I answered. I was aware that I wasn't okay, but I couldn't help but make excuses. "Look, we are sorry but Nota made us–" she was saying before I cut her off, "I-I know I know..." I sounded rather odd, I couldn't even recognize my own voice. I groaned out of pain. She appeared terrified and likely believed I was going to die. "You'll be fine, I promise... However, you're feverish," she said. "That's what I thought..." But you know, I started to wonder, why villains become villains in the first place...maybe trauma? Hmm, but that didn't make me rebel against the world. My thoughts were interrupted when the woman who was staring at me before when I was in the crate walked in. And I perked up. "Tammy, you gotta stop leaving doors open all the time." She said with a sigh. "S-sorry..." Tammy managed to stutter out. "Look, we're sorry about taking you captive... Nota–" Sarah started to speak. "Please...don't...don't mention his name..." I had never sounded so hoarse in my voice. I felt like I was going to pass out again. "Are-are you ok, kid?" Sarah enquired. I couldn't speak as much as I tried. I moaned and then leaned back. "Kid? Kid!" I heard Sarah calling. Then everything went black then I passed out once again.

I woke up to silence...It's far too quiet; I don't hear any water splashing or feel sudden movements. I picked my head up then I looked around, no one was there Until Sarah, Tammy and the other girl walked in. "Hey, do you feel any better?" Tammy asked. "Actually, yeah...I do." "Do you think you can get up?" "I-I'll try..." When I stood up, I almost fell, but Sarah caught me just in time. "T-Thanks," I spoke in a stutter. We all walked out of the ship. "We need to run... Nota is going to kill us If we don't find refuge soon, Nota will kill us...especially you." Sarah said then started staring at me. "Me?" I query bewildered. "What does Nota want me for?" "You're his main target." "So he's destroying the world just to get to me?!" "Well...he was making US kill you but we are nice people even though most of us are sane." She stared at the other girl. "Hey, I never did anything!" "Agai, somehow learn how to deal with ChiChi's hyperactiveness." "I'M NOT HYPER!" ChiChi yelled, sounding offended. "But that's not the point, we need to get somewhere safe." "Like where?" I asked. "Hmm, what about a cave?" Tammy suggested. "Ooo, it's been a while since I've heard you speak your mind, that's a great idea, Tammy!" Sarah said.

"Does anyone know what state we're in?" ChiChi asked. "Why do you ask?" I asked. "ChiChi enjoys documenting her travels through scrapbooking," Sarah responded. "How do you not know where we are-" Tammy questioned. "I just don't, ok?" ChiChi said. "We are in Texas," Tammy said. I screamed, We are in... this place...?" "Agai, are you alright...?" ChiChi asked. "Yeah, you look frightened..." Sarah said. "I need time alone..." I said. I ran off and hid in the fourth closest bush. I could still hear them talking. "Do you think he's ok?" ChiChi asked. "I wonder..." Sarah started to speak then interrupted herself. "No... It can't be..." "Sarah, what are you thinking about? "The explosion... him and his parents were on the news, the explosion was here and–and killed his mother..." "No wonder he's upset," ChiChi said. My memory of Tammy's fearful expression will last a lifetime. "Sarah, he's just scared," ChiChi said. I was breathing heavily and I was shaking... I was scared, me and my family were on the news...? They knew and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I knew I could not hide in here forever.

I was trying to resist dozing off despite how exhausted I felt. I'm so embarrassed, I ran off in front of...them. I heard multiple footsteps coming. "Agai, are you okay?" Tammy asked. I started crying, I couldn't help it. the three surrounded me, "I don't– I don't know what to do without her..." I stumbled out. "Hey, can I talk to Agai alone, please?" Sarah asked. Tammy nods, "Of course..." Everyone leaves the area except Sarah and me. "Mate? Are you OK?" She asked me with a lot of emotion in her tone. I turned my head away being scared to converse with her. She sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder which of course made me jump. "Look, You don't have to talk, just take calming breaths," She spoke in a calming whisper. I immediately felt a sense of safety and comfort that I hadn't felt in quite a while. My breath was still shaky as I tried to calm myself down from what seemed like a PTSD attack. I remember... I remember seeing her die... The screams, people running for their lives... the gigantic explosion. She was just trying to go to work. I sighed and just allowed myself to relax and have someone else comfort me instead of my own thoughts. Why do I always feel like this? Why is my life like this? My life would be better if someone else was in control.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Sarah spoke again,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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