15. Part of the Family.

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Laughter emitted from the surrounding siblings as Emmett snuck up on the girl; her legs flailing as the ground was removed from beneath her.  Small hands tapped larger ones repetitively, the hits becoming harder and harder as she repeats the action. Her vision blurring around the edges as she's uncontrollably spun around. The surrounding trees blurring together into splodges of brown and green.


The clicking of a ratchet reverberated around the room.  The clinking of the tools returning to the tool-box joining the noise. 

Grease and oil clung to the boiler suits that hovered around the M3 Convertible. 

Soft classical music filled in the silent gaps that the returning tools couldn't fill, and a soft voice taught Trixie the steps in maintaining the car in front of them.

 A smile present on both of the women's faces.


Hazel eyes watched with awe as Esme and Carlisle worked together to create the human some lunch.  After learning the true nature of the family, Trixie always felt a small amount of guilt watching them cook, but now with Emma working, she felt like she had another home here; and any sort of guilty feelings were washed away with the smile of Esme Cullen as she watched Trixie honestly enjoy her cooking. 


Thumbs rubbed white knuckles as Theo continued his story of adventures and loss to his fawn-headed friend; Alice and Trixie sat hand in hand, beside one another, in the couples room. Theo captivating their attention. 

Despite Alice having heard this story a few times before, she acted as if this was the first time, and Trixie loved her more for it. 

Theo had got to the story of how he met Alice, in a small Café in Boston - Theo had returned home for the first time in centuries, he had a habit of checking in on his bloodline every now and again. 

Trixie adored their love story, but she couldn't help cry when it was Alice's turn, how she remembered nothing from her human life except the comfort she felt from "Alice in Wonderland" on the days when her father was exceptionally mean about her ability. 

Tears were wiped away, and hugs were had. 


Pale fingers danced along ivory keys, notes sung from the grand piano, pale fingers dancing across the keys. 

Topaz eyes watched as Trixie admired Edward from where she sat on the opposing couch. 

Approaching footsteps stole Edward away from Trixie's attention, to which he accepted with a smile, focusing entirely on the ivory and black keys.

Flashbacks to their encounter in the greenhouse appeared in Trixie's mind as Jasper extended his hand to her.  Jasper's lips lifted into a smile, before his head gestured to the middle of the room, his hand clasped in hers. 

Jasper guided her into a dance, Trixie's face flushed a brilliant, bright pink as she swayed with him. The security she felt in the male's embrace was foreign but comforting to her, and by now she had accepted what she felt towards Jasper Hale. 

The two danced for a while, blissfully wrapped in their own bubble and unaware of the family members that occasionally stopped to watch the un-official couple. After a few moments of time, the other couples within the house joined Jasper and Trixie, smiles graced everyone's faces as they swayed with their significant others; even the ever brooding Edward Cullen began to smile as he provided the music for his family, the positive thoughts running through his head. 

Thoughts of Love, Security, Happiness.  His sister's thoughts became especially prominent in his mind, her ability solidifying his suspicions. 

 Beatrice Rivers was officially part of the family. 


And there we have it, one of the smallest chapters I think this book will have, but I wanted to create a little filler, a little montage - a few glimpses if you will - of Trixie bonding and solidifying those bonds with the Cullen Clan.
Grey <3

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