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Devani's pov:

My knee was constantly bouncing as I listened to the principal's speech. Looking around constantly as I analyzed each student.

I wanted to know who killed my best friend. I was angry. I was irritated by the fact that they could act as if nothing happened last year. Suddenly I feel a hand on my knee.

"Calm down, we're about to go up" Kang ha whispers. I scoffed. "To celebrate this new semester, let's welcome our new scholarship recipient, who was hand selected out of a few applicants. Kang Ha and Park Devani. Come" the principal announces. I roll my eyes as Kang Ha raises his hand.

He grabs my arm and drags me up the stage. We approach the stand. He motions for me to say something. I shake my head. He shoves me up.

"Hello My name is Park Devani" I stated bluntly before stepping back. Kang Ha then steps up and starts talking. I tune him out already over it and just want to sit back down.

Suddenly two guys bursts in. Everybody's eyes went to them. The in front looked like he screamed power. I immediately knew. He might know something about In-Han's death. He takes a seat by the girl with a bow and another guy.

Kang Ha finishes his speech after realizing the mic was working again. We go sit back down once he was done. As soon as the principal dismisses us, me and him quickly stand up ready to go.

Suddenly we both get pulled back down into our seats. We look at the guys confused before realizing that everybody else was still sitting down. I try to stand back up but Kang Ha holds me, preventing me from moving.

Finally the guy who came in late stands up and leaves along with the others. That's when the rest starts to get up. Kang Ha stands up and goes over to a random guy asking him where's English classroom.

"You're too happy. You need time to get to know your place" the guy sneers before walking away. I look at Kang Ha. "You gonna let him talk to you like that?" I ask him. He looks at me annoyed. I laughed before raising my hands in surrender. The girl with the bow and her two friends approaches us.

"You two lost? They'll show you where to go" She says pointing to her two friends. She then asks for Kang Ha's number. My gut was telling me not to trust her. "What for?" Kang Ha asks. I snickered a little bit at his reaction.

The girl then says it's for if he has any questions. He grabs her phone and types into it. One of the other girls then asks for his handle. "I don't have one" He says. "What about you?" She asks turning to me. "I don't give my social media to people I don't know" I responded. The girls chuckles.

"There you go. I should get going. See you guys" he says walking away with me following behind him. We make our way to a classroom. It looked nice. A little too nice. "I don't think this is our class" I say. "It has to be. It says English class" Kang Ha responds. A teacher walks in.

"You guys the scholarship students. You're not allowed in here" she says. "This is English, isn't it?" Kang Ha asks. "At the end of the hall. Standard A" the teacher says. We head to the classroom. "Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I tell him before making my way to the bathroom.

As I'm making my way, I pass by the girl and two boys. (He-ra, Woojin, and Rian) I notice them looking at me. I walk pass them as I try to enter the bathroom. "Yah! Can't you see we're standing here" The girl says. I turn to look at them.

"I do, I'm just passing by so that I could use the bathroom. Continue with whatever you are doing" I responded bluntly before walking into the bathroom. I was confused. They thought I was gonna go to another bathroom just because they're standing in the hallway talking to each other. I scoffed.

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