The Devil Is in the Tails

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[Scene: The Grim]

[Sonic And Mane 7 peels out to the top of the tower and lands opposite Nine. In a versus split screen, they all growl and go to tackle each other. A shockwave bursts from the tower, blowing them both All back, but they stay All standing on the tower.]
Sonic: Nine, enough. We can still end this. Whoa!
[Sonic And Mane 7 is forced to dodge Nine's bullet attacks.]
Sonic: Together.
Sunset: Yes Together!
[They dodges another series of bullets.]
Tails Nine: [Annoyed] Together?
[Nine floats up while Sonic And Mane 7 peels out around the tower.]
Tails Nine: You All only care about getting back to your precious Green Hill And Equestria.
[Nine fires more bullets down to the edge on the tower, causing Sonic And Mane 7 to halt.]
Sonic: We're care about all of this. You, the Shatterverse, and everyone inside of it. I know you do too. And that Prism power--
Tails Nine: [Interrupting] Is my ticket to protecting my new world. Once I take the remaining Prism energy that's in you and Mane 7 Cutie Mark Magic, the Grim will be saved. Look around. [Sonic And Mane 7 turns back] You've already lost and you don't even know it. Your so-called New friends won't be doing any more fighting. Meanwhile, my army has one purpose: To get your energy And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic.
[Grim Birdies fly up towards the tower and shoot at Sonic And Mane 7. They leaps off part of the structure, spin attacks And Magic Attacks one of them and lands on another, looking at Nine.]
Sonic: It's gonna take more than just a few knockoff robots to slow Us down.
Hitch: Yes Keep Us Down.
[Sonic And Mane 7 jumps off at the opportune moment to defeat a Grim Birdie using its own bullet. It spin attacks And Magic Attacks three more of them. Nine grunts as Sonic And Mane 7 lands back on the tower. Nine points its mechanical tails and gathers energy from the Paradox energy beam.]
Tails Nine: Need... more... power!
[The dome fluctuates, with purple rocks appearing in the starry sky. Inside the tower, the Paradox Prism starts shaking. On the ground, grim robots flicker and restore power.]
Sonic: [Off-screen] It's working. They're losing power.
Sunny:[Off-Screen] The Plan Is Starting To Working.
[Alpha Grim Sonic's eyes open. Sonic And Mane 7 watches on and Tails continues generating prism energy. The dome starts shrinking, with battlefield crystals disappearing through the dome's edge.]
Sonic: Sure you can handle all that juice, pal?
Izzy: are you Sure?
[Nine turns to Sonic And Mane 7, with its mechanical tails glowing white And Smirk Evilly. It shoots at Sonic And Mane 7, causing Them to fall off the tower. They screams as They heads towards the spiky crystals at the bottom of the citadel Abd Sunny And Sunset Seen Soinc And Their Friends.]
Sunny And Sunset: Soinc Guys!
(Sunny And Sunset Fly To Catch Soinc And The Rest Of The Mane 7)
[The opening theme plays]

Tails Nine: [To the Grim Birdies] Let Them fall, but catch all Them  before The Alicorns Catch Him And The Rest Of The Mane 7 And hits the spire. [They swoop down.] I need that energy And Mane 7 Cutie Mark Magic.
[As Sonic And The Rest Of The Mane 7 continues falling Before Sunset and Sunny Catching Him and Their Friends, his shoes start glowing And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic. They lands on appearing panel tiles to avoid the spikes.]
Sonic: Huh? I was wondering what these puppies do in this place. [They appear when They all puts his And Their foot And Hooves down.] Get ready for some fancy footwork Come On Mane 7!
[Sonic And the Mane 7 peels out And Fly along the tiles. Grim Birdies attack Them. They all ducks under to dodge one of them and jumps over the other one. They starts spinning along And Fly the tiles and Homing Attacks And Magic Attacks both of them. They peels around towards the tower at the top of the citadel and looks at Nine.]
Izzy: Wow!
[Mane 7 Walk In With Titles Too]
Tails Nine: [grunts] I never should have given you all those Regulators And Somepony Never Give The Wings For You Sunset Shimmer.
[Nine shoots back at Sonic And Mane 7, who peels around the sky in various directions, missing the target.]
Tails Nine: More power!
[Nine generates more power from the Paradox Energy beam, and shoots a series of bullets at Sonic And Mane 7, hitting the target, but a tile pops up as Sonic And Mane 7 puts both of Our hands And Hooves out, acting as a shield. Sonic And Mane 7 holds the shield and tries to hang on. Another tile appears as Sonic And Mane 7 stretches his And Their back leg And Hooves out. As soon as the bullets disappear, Sonic And Mane 7 lets go, and the shield disappears. They looks at his gloves And Hooves.]
Sonic: Huh? [He chuckles.] Even better! [He flexes his muscle at Nine.]
Hitch: New Power!
Nine: No!
[Nine grunts and fires again. Sonic And Mane 7 peels along the sky in a loop-de-loop. He sticks his arm And Their Hooves out and holds a shield to block incoming bullets. Nine unleashes a powerful beam at Sonic And Mane 7. Sonic And Mane 7 falls upon impact and starts screaming. Behind the confused Nine, Sonic And Mane 7 is standing on an invisible tile portraying a screaming voice.]
Sonic: [Jumps] Splat!
Mane 7:Boo!
[Nine turns, but Sonic And Mane 7 quickly Spin attacks And Magic Attacks him as they All travel around the energy beam. They all let go. Nine fires green lasers at Sonic And Mane 7, holding a shield to block the attack. Sonic And Mane 7 runs with the shield and gets closer to Nine. Nine groans and holds his head. Having run out of energy, he drops onto the tower. Sonic And Mane 7, caught out by the velocity, drops the shield and falls onto the tower as well with a thud, holding his head for a brief moment before kneeling And The Mane 7 Get Up.]
Sonic: You're looking pretty tired. Sure you're not ready to give up?
Izzy: Give Up?
Tails Nine: [Moans] Give up? [Drops his mechanical tails.] I can't. [Frowns and scowls as he starts hovering.] You're All the one who put me in this position.
[He lapses, clenches his fists and sets up his mechanical tails to generate power from the paradox energy beam. Sonic And Mane 7 flinches and covers Their eyes while They looks up. The lighting on the Grim Robots flicker, along with the dome fluctuating in appearance. On the ground, Rebel stirs and eventually gets up.]
Rebel Rouge: Now!
[Rebel punches a Grim robot. Other allies get ready to battle. Dr. Babble grabs Alpha Grim Rouge and throws it towards Prim Rouge, who throws it over to Rebel, who kicks it down to the ground. Knuckles the Dread punches away a Grim Knuckles.]
Knuckles the Dread: Ha ha har, yeah!
[He swings another Grim Bot away with his sword. Knucks, standing on a crystal, punches two more Grim robots. Shadow spin attacks a Grim robot, causing it to collide with a Grim Birdie. A Grim Amy heads towards Thorn Rose and Birdie, but they dodge. Thorn and Grim Amy go head-to-head. She hammers the robot away. Birdie swoops down, carrying Thorn, and takes off. The camera cuts to Sonic And Mane 7 looking down from the tower, delighted.]
Sonic: It worked. The plan worked!
Zipp: We Did It!
[They starts looking back nervously as Nine generates more energy from the paradox beam. His mechanical tails glow white but stops and pants.]
Tails Nine: Fully charged. Now you all will feel the full force of my... [Hears a rumbling in the distance and turns to where it's coming from.] Huh? [Tensing his hand and frowns in fury] What?
[Nine looks down from the tower. Sonic And Mane 7 tries to sneak in a spin attack And Magic Attacks towards him but is forced to use the shield as Nine lasers back at Them. Sonic And Mane 7 pushes Nine down to the top of the tower as they all continue straining.]
Tails Nine: You all tricked me. Clever. But betrayal comes easy to all you. How did you all do it?
Sonic: One, sneaky great plan. Two, 'cause they trusted Us.
[A flashback of an earlier episode plays.]
Sonic: We're running out of time. I need you, all of you to listen to Us.
Dr. Deep: Why should anyone listen to all you!?
Sonic: Because We're know how we can win.
Sunny: Now Listen We Have A Plan!
Rebel Rouge: And how do you propose we do that?
Sonic: By letting him think he's won.
Izzy: So Guys Pretending You Are Down And Fall!
[The flashback ends, Sonic and Nine And Mane 7 continue to struggle.]
Sonic: You can't protect your world, fight Us and power your army.
Misty: I Help My Friends To Get My Own Real Cute Mark And Stop Opaline From Take All The Magic In Equestria.
[Tails Nine yells as he powers up, forcing Sonic And Mane 7 up in the air. The Shield where Sonic And Mane 7 is starts disappearing.]
Sonic And Mane 7: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [Jumps off] Ah!
[Sonic And Mane 7 falls. Meanwhile, on the ground, Gnarly Knuckles punches his Grim counterpart on the head. Black Rose, standing next to Rusty Rose, jumps and swings her sword at Alpha Grim Amy. After two slashes she kicks the robot into the wall. Rusty flips and smacks the robot down with her legs, losing its hammer. Dr. Babble grabs Alpha Grim Rouge and slams it down to the ground, creating a plume of dust. Shadow grunts and goes after Alpha Grim Sonic. He kicks it in the air, causing it to fall face down. Shadow walks towards it and steps on its head, looking at Nine.]
Tails Nine: [Furious] Nooo!
[Rebel lands next to Shadow.]
Rebel Rouge: We did it!
[Her allies cheers in celebration, while Sonic And Mane 7 smiles back at them And Mane 7 And Soinc Group Hug.]
Tails Nine: [sighs, annoyed] You think this is over, don't All you?
Sonic: [Softly] It is over. Now let's save the world... together.
Sunny:[Soffly] Please Nine?
Tails Nine: I didn't start the decay, the Chaos Council did. Then you All betray me and bring everyone here to attack me. [sighs] You forget who controls the Prism.
[Nine grunts and rises, generating more power from the Paradox Energy Beam. The dome destabilizes and fluctuates again.]
Sonic: What are you doing?
Izzy: Yes What Are You Going To Doing?
Tails Nine: I'm accelerating the decay. Soon, you'll All have no choice.
[Purple rocks float upwards in the sky. The dome starts shrinking and bolts of energy light up around the Paradox prism. Nine, with fully charged mechanical tails, turns and fires green lasers down at the fainted Alpha Grim Robots, reviving them completely.]
Gnarly Knuckles: What... is... happening?
Rebel Rouge: Huh? No!
[The Alpha Grim robots move forward.]
Sonic: Nine, this isn't you. You'll destroy everything.
Pipp: Yes And Equestria!
[Nine ignores Them and powers up his mechanical tails. Grunting and yelling, he fires rounds of bullets at Sonic And Mane 7 - who tries to block it with Their shield, but is sent flying back. Sonic And Mane 7 falls and bounces on invisible tiles in the air, landing on Their front, groaning. Meanwhile, on the ground, the Alpha Grim Knuckles punches Knucks, Denizen 1998 and somersaults its way to punching Prim Rouge. It jumps close to Dr. Deep.]
Dr. Deep: Oh, no.
[Dr. Deep flies up with his mech, but the Alpha Grim Rouge kicks him down, nose-diving back to the ground. The Alpha Grim Amy hits Black with its hammer, along with Rusty, Birdie and Thorn. Alpha Grim Sonic grabs hold of Shadow's arm and tosses him in the air, dropping helplessly to the ground. Nine extracts more beam energy from the Paradox Prism and fires a series of bullets at Sonic And Mane 7, whose shield grows bigger. The dome's background appears and disappears.]
Sonic: [While holding Their shield, shots fired] You're not just destroying your home. You're destroying yourself.
Izzy: Yes!
Tails Nine: I'm protecting my home!
[While still extracting, Nine unleashes a powerful beam at Sonic And Mane 7, wiping out the shield and causing Sonic And Mane 7 to fly back, landing on the invisible tiles again.]
Tails Nine: [To Sonic And Mane 7] My Grims will eliminate your all friends, and my Alphas will be by my side as I do the same to All you. [To the Alpha Grim Robots] All Alphas, attack Sonic And Mane 7... now!
[The Alpha Grim robots obey Nine's command and head towards the citadel.]
Rebel Rouge: Hold them back!
Squad Commander Red: [Preparing her gun] Eat plasma, metal scum!
[Rebel and Red follow their allies towards the citadel.]
[The regular Grim robots run and attack Sonic's And Mane 7 allies. Rusty extends her arm and grabs Alpha Grim Amy on its legs. She pulls it back and tosses it up for Knucks to punch it. The Alpha Grims Knuckles and Sonic halt opposite Dr. Deep.]
Dr. Deep: Prepare to be amazed, [The Alphas engage in their combat poses] then deceased by the one and only Doc--
[--The Alpha Grim Knuckles punches and takes out Dr. Deep, but Mr. Dr. Eggman lands behind it.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Eat fist, brute!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman punches the robot back. The Alpha Grim Rouge flies up to combat Rebel.]
Rebel Rouge: Take her!
[Rebel kicks her Alpha Grim counterpart and goes after it. The robot lands on its feet, but Hangry Cat jumps on it and traps its arms to the ground with his hands. Thorn and Birdie fly up to combat Alpha Grim Birdie. The robot turns towards them and shoots with its beak, which Birdie dodges. Thorn jumps off Birdie and hits Alpha Grim Birdie on the head with her hammer, causing it to fall for a brief moment until Dr. Babble punches it back. The Alpha Grim Sonic runs up the citadel wall, but Shadow intercepts it with a spin attack, falling back onto the ledge. They look at one another.]
Shadow: You aren't going anywhere.
[They run into each other again. Shadow punches, kicks and punches Alpha Grim Sonic, causing it to fall down, but Shadow goes for it again. Meanwhile, Nine watches as he generates more power from the Paradox energy beam. He clenches his fists and growls. He yells as he shoots green lasers down at the defeated Alpha Grim Robots, causing them to rejuvenate. The Alpha Grim Amy is rebooted and ready for combat, along with regular Grim Amys and they walk towards Sonic's And Mane 7 allies. Another beam revives Alpha Grim Knuckles, followed by Alpha Grim Rouge. It takes off, turns and swoops. The Alpha Grim Birdie is also being revived and it takes off.]
Rebel Rouge: It's not over. His power supply is endless.
[Meanwhile, at the top, Nine extracts more beam energy, while Sonic And Mane 7 looks at the fluctuating dome and the purple rocks in the air.]
Sonic: [Desperate] Nine. [They walks towards Their current enemy.] We all both dreamed of a better place, a better way of life. But your world is falling apart.
Sunset: Yes It Fall apart.
Tails Nine: [Angrily] A small sacrifice which I'll fix soon enough with your energy And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic.
[Sonic And Mane 7 frowns back at him. Nine unleashes a laser at Sonic And Mane 7, pushing Them back in front of Knucks' view. He watches Dread take out some Grim robots with his sword. Knucks sees the robot fall to the ground behind him.]
Renegade Knucks: [To Dread] Captain, lead this group. I got places to be!
Knuckles the Dread: You heard 'em, me hearties! Button yer blowholes and drive 'em back! FULL FORCE!
[The rest of Sonic's And Mane 7 allies war-cry and raise their weapons. They charge towards their enemy. Jack takes out a Grim robot with his sword, while two Eggforcers punch a Grim Knuckles.]
Dr. Don't: [Raising his controllers in celebration] Yes!
[Deep, Dread and Rebel battle against Grim Robots. Black flips over to dodge a Grim Amy's attack, but Rusty punches it, causing it to drop its hammer, and smacks it down. Dr. Babble hits another Grim Robot and throws a Grim Knuckles in the air for Birdie and Thorn to finish it with an attack. Gnarly punches a grim robot, back-flips to defeat another one, and punches a third approaching Grim robot. The dome starts rumbling again. The camera cuts to the downed Grim Big. Its thrusters from its arms, base and tail ignite. With a hole in its head, the Grim Big begins to rise. Gnarly is startled by what he sees along with Black and Rusty. Dr. Babble falls over in-front of some Grim robots, while Rebel looks at the rising giant robot in shock. Grim Big slowly moves forward, with the allies staring at it.]
Rebel Rouge: [off-screen] Oh, no... Big is back!
[At the top of the tower, Nine yells and fires more bullets at Sonic And Mane 7. Sonic And Mane 7 dodges and jumps from invisible panel to invisible panel to use as platforms, making his way next to Nine. Nine growls furiously, while Sonic And Mane 7 pants in exhaustion. Behind Nine, Knucks quietly climbs up to one of the spikes at the edge of the tower.]
Sonic: This is gonna hurt Us a lot more than it's gonna hurt you.
Pipp: Yes!
Tails Nine: [Confused] What?
[Knucks - in slow motion - punches Nine on the back of his head across the tower, forcing him into the wall's edge. Knucks jumps onto the platform.]
Renegade Knucks: [To Nine] I've been waiting a long time for this, traitor.
[Knucks and Sonic And Mane 7 look at Nine. Nine accompanies some Grim Robots to the top of the tower.]
Tails Nine: Destroy the red one and bring me Sonic And Mane 7. [Flies up.] I need his energy And Mane 7 Cute Mark Magic.
Renegade Knucks: [Angrily] Ah!
[Knucks and Sonic And Mane 7 both grunt and charge at their robotic counterparts. The two Knuckles - in slow motion - punch into each other, blowing them back into the corner. Sonic And Mane 7 see Knucks fall of the tower and jumps down to save him. They lassos and tosses Knucks back up towards the tower to defeat the Grim Robots. Nine grunts and shoots and Knucks, but Sonic And Mane 7 blocks it using a panel shield, saving Knucks again. Knucks grabs hold of a Grim Sonic and takes it down. Another Grim Sonic approaches from behind and takes Knucks down. An annoyed Knucks throws a downed robot into it, causing them to collide to the wall's edge. Meanwhile, Grim Big and other Grim robots head towards Sonic's And Mane 7 allies.]
Jack: What do we do?
Rebel Rouge: We do what we always do. We fight to the last one standing!
[The allies yell and stand their ground while their enemy approach. Grim Big deploys Froggy Bombs, hitting the Grim Robots. It uses the swinging tail attack to defeat more Grim Robots.]
Rebel Rouge: Huh? Huh?
[More Froggy bombs take out more Grim robots. The head of a Grim robot stops in-front of the view of Sonic's allies, along with more Grim robot parts falling. Grim Big roars. The light in the cockpit turns on. Sails Tails and Mangey Tails pop up through the hole in its head and wave.]
Sails Tails: Ahoy!
Mangey Tails: Hey.
Rebel Rouge: Sails! Mangey! You're alive! But... how?
Sails Tails: There was an explosion to be sure but twas nothing we couldn't fly away from. Mostly. [They both spin their tails] Orders?
Rebel Rouge: Stay on top of the Grim-bots and stay safe. The rest of you, remember the plan. Take out the Alphas and the others fall.
Sails Tails: You heard her, Mangey. Light 'em up!
[Sails pushes the levers forward. Grim Big deploys more Froggy Bombs at the Grim robots, with one of them knocking out a Grim Birdie in the air, and another hitting three troopers in one shot.]
Sails Tails: [Exhales] Ahh, I love the smell of froggy bombs in the morning.
[Mangey chuckles. Jack calls Dread.]
Jack: Hold up, Captain. With everyone distracted down here, we could make a serious run at that rock. And with that kind of treasure, we wouldn't just be legends, we would be pirate kings.
[Jack runs off.]
Knuckles the Dread: Me beauty.
[He smiles. Meanwhile, at the top of the tower, Knucks and Sonic  And Mane 7- right by each other - duck down, causing the two Grim robots to hit each other. Sonic And Mane 7 spins and kicks a Grim Knuckles, while Knucks punches down a Grim Sonic in front of Nine.]
Tails Nine: No! I have to have that-- energy.
[Nine extracts more energy from the paradox beam, causing the Paradox Prism inside the citadel to shake. The dome fluctuates once again. Nine shoots green lasers in-front of Sonic and Knucks And Mane 7.]
Sonic: Look out!
[Sonic And Mane 7 runs in-front of the vulnerable Knucks and puts up a shield to block Nine's laser attack. Meanwhile, Grim Birdies squawk and shoot at Grim Big. The vehicle shakes, knocking Mangey off his seat. Sails types random buttons on the keypad. As soon as he presses the big button, Grim Big's arm cannons open out and start firing, homing into and defeating some Grim Birdies. Mangey gets back up, but falls again. The Alpha Grim Birdie locks a target onto Sails and Mangey. Sails pushes the big button in desperation. The cannons paralyze and power down. The Alpha Grim Birdie squawks as it gets closer to them and prepares a bullet, while Sails panics as they start mashing random buttons.]
Sails Tails: Argh. That's not good.
[Eventually, Sails pushes the big button; A horde of Froggy Bombs are deployed. They blow up and defeat the Alpha Grim Birdie. As soon as the smoke clears, Sails and Mangey look at each other. At the same time, Rebel notices the cloned Grim Birdie vanish in conjunction with Alpha Grim Birdie's defeat. Her allies cheer in celebration.]
Rebel Rouge: It's working. The Grim Birdies are out! Press the attack!
[The Alpha Grim Rouge takes out Hangry and Prim. Gnarly jumps off from Birdie and punches the Alpha Grim robot into Prim, who kicks it, and breaks it as it hits the ground. Thorn finishes off Alpha Grim Rouge with a hammer attack. The cloned Grim Rouges evaporate, causing Dr. Deep - originally held by one of them - to drop.]
Rebel Rouge: The Grim Rouges are down! Don't stop! Keep going!
[Meanwhile, at the tower, Sonic And Mane 7 continues blocking Nine's laser attack with the shield. After a while, Nine stops and falls on the tower. With Sonic And Mane 7 looking worried, Knucks makes his way towards Nine. Nine gets up and creates a dome-shaped shield to stop Knucks while he punches it repeatedly. Sonic And Mane 7 looks around the fluctuating dome in fear. It starts shrinking, with more battleground crystals rise and disappear. Sonic And Mane 7 then steps in-front of Knucks to stop him punching the dome shield.]
Sonic: Knucks, stop! [Points him to the shrinking dome.] Look! We'll lose everything! We gotta get through to him.
Izzy: We Need To Talk To Him.
[Nine glows himself white and unleashes an electric shockwave which hits Sonic and Knucks And Mane 7. As soon as they get up from the tower's edge, Nine summons many more Grim Sonics to battle Them. Meanwhile, on the ground, Dr. Deep battles an Alpha Grim Knuckles, but the Alpha robot grabs his mech.]
Dr. Deep: [off-screen] Oh, no.
[It spins him around and tosses him up in the air.]
Dr. Deep: Ah!
[Dr. Babble slams into the Alpha Grim robot. It carries Catfish, takes him up and kicks him away. Rebel shoots around it on the ground, creating clouds of dust. Catfish burns it from behind with a hot chainsaw, defeating Alpha Grim Knuckles. As a group of cloned Grim Knuckles approach Gnarly, they vanish just as he punches. He chuckles as he looks at his gloves. Rusty extends her torso and scans the area, seeing a group of Grim Amy approach Black and Batten.]
Black Rose: Keep fightin', Batten! We can do this!
Batten Rouge: Aye aye, Capt-- oh!
[Batten gets struck by Alpha Grim Amy. Black yells as they clash with one another, pushing their weapons forward, with Black dropping to a knee. Meanwhile, Jack starts climbing the Citadel and joins Dread. Dread looks up in amazement.]
Knuckles the Dread: So much beauty.
Jack: Instead of dying in this desolate wasteland like the rest of these sea dogs, we'll be living like kings.
[Dread turns around and looks down at Black straining against her Alpha Grim counterpart. Jack climbs further up the citadel.]
Jack: Forget them, Captain. We have to keep climbing.
[He continues climbing but Dread ignores him.]
Jack: Come on, Captain!
[Dread grins. The Alpha Grim Amy knocks off Black's sword with its hammer and grabs hold of her. As she tries to loosen its grip, the Grim robot's head turns to Dread gliding towards it.]
Knuckles the Dread: Leave her be!
Black Rose: [Astonished] Dread?
[Dread hits the Alpha Grim robot, freeing Black. The robot hammers down, but Dread dodges, hitting the ground instead, but it swings its hammer to knock Dread's sword off, catching it. It hits Dread with the hammer, causing him to blow back and fall on his belly. Black hits the Alpha Grim Amy back. The sword is thrown high in the air, with Rusty going after it to try and catch it. She extends her arm and catches the sword. She throws the sword in the ground between Black and the Alpha Grim robot. She drops in-front of the downed Dread.]
Rusty Rose: Leave this one to me.
[Rusty extends her arms and punches Alpha Grim Amy, taking it away.]
Black Rose: [To Dread, offering a hand] You came for me. [Helps him up]
Knuckles the Dread: I finally realized there are things more important than a shiny rock. But you already knew that, didn't ye?
Black Rose: I suppose I did.
[Dread doffs his hat.]
Knuckles the Dread: For now and forever. You'll always have me loyalty.
[Dread dons his cap onto Black, untidily. Black straightens it out.]
Knuckles the Dread: Captain Rose.
[He grins, showing his shiny gold tooth.]
Black Rose: Did you just call me "Captain"?
Knuckles the Dread: Aye. Now, what are your orders? [He smiles]
Black Rose: Grab your sword and let's dole out some pirate justice!
[Black and Dread run for the Alpha Grim Robot. The Alpha Grim Amy prepares her hammer. The sensor on the Alpha's head flickers a target and a warning sign. Rusty looks up at the Citadel's Tower, then back to her Alpha counterpart.]
Rusty Rose: You don't feel anything, but I do. And that's what makes us different. My masters had me believe that Birdie gave me my inner strength and power.
[Rusty presses a button on her chest, opening the cage, revealing Birdie; it chirps as it lands on her finger.]
Rusty Rose: But I know now it was another lie. Told to keep me under their control. Symbolic of my oppression.
[She lets Birdie fly away.]
Rusty Rose: But I don't need this little bird for power. And this little bird needs to be free. The only thing I need is-- me!
[--Rusty extends her arm towards her Alpha Grim counterpart, but it blocks her with its hand, stopping on the ground. The robot jumps and takes Rusty's arm with it, slamming her body down to the ground. She uncontrollably rolls along the ground but manages to get up. They run back and clash again. Rusty extends her arms again. They stick to the ground either side of Alpha Grim Amy. She then retracts her arms, catapulting herself towards the robot and hits it, forcing it back and bumping into some Eggforcer parts. Rusty jumps and punches down, which hits the ground, and swings her legs at the robot. Alpha Grim Amy jumps onto the crystal wall and jumps off to attack, but they miss each other. They clash again. Rusty dodges a few more hammer attacks before standing on her hands and extending her legs towards it, causing it to stop. She punches it, but it retaliates back with a swinging hammer attack, causing her to lie down. The robot swings parts with its hammer at her, causing her to brace herself. The Alpha Grim robot then swings a large piece of spherical robot armor at her, causing her to fly back and roll with it towards the edge of the dome, which she soon chucks it out of the way. The robot jumps and delivers a hammer attack, but Rusty blocks it by holding onto the hammer's shaft with her hands. They push the hammer against each other. Rusty extends her legs under the robot's legs and retracts them, causing the robot to let go of its hammer and fall down. Rusty stands up, now in possession of the hammer, and runs towards her target with the new hammer. In slow motion, Rusty swings the hammer and hits the robot, causing it to fly back and disappear through the dome in a wisp. Birdie flies freely towards Rusty, and lands on her hammer; Rusty showing affection. Meanwhile, two auras spin into each other as the battle between Alpha Grim Sonic and Shadow is ongoing. Shadow scoops up the robot with his legs, spin jumps, grabs the robot running in a circle, and throws it. Shadow goes on the attack by punching twice but it dodges both blows. The robot rolls under Shadow's body near the edge of the dome. Shadow tries to kicks the robot again but it dodges again. The robot goes for a spin attack but he dodges. They spin at each other, flashing a white light that covers the screen. Alpha Grim Sonic stands, while Shadow is downed and catching his breath, trying to get up, but he drops. Alpha Grim Sonic runs to the Citadel. The camera cuts to the top of the tower, with Knucks and Sonic And Mane 7 standing against a group of Grim Sonics and Nine flying.]
Tails Nine: It doesn't have to end like this, Sonic And Mane 7. I just need your energy And Your Cute Mark Magic.
[Sonic and Knucks And Mane 7 prepare themselves as the Grim Sonics walk closer to them. The Alpha Grim Sonic joins them and steps in-front of the Grim robots. Sonic and Knucks And Mane 7 initiate their combat poses.]
Tails Nine: Take them all down.
[The Grim Sonics step forward. Behind the duo, Shadow grunts and spins up to the top of the tower.]
Shadow: [Diving in mid-air] We are not finished!
[Shadow spins again and hits Alpha Grim Sonic on the tower, causing an explosion and defeating it. As soon as the smoke clears, the cloned Grim Sonics vanish.]
Tails Nine: [In agony] No! How?!
Shadow: [Gets up, breathing] I... am the ultimate... life form.
Sonic And Mane 7: [Popping up from behind] Modest too!
[In fury, Nine yells and fires different colored electric pulses at the trio. While Shadow and Knucks suffer and struggle from the energy, Sonic And Mane 7 blocks the attack using his shield. Sonic And Mane 7 looks up at the dome, which starts shrinking.]
Black Rose: We're losing ground. Get to the Citadel!
[Dramatic music builds; at the bottom, Black's allies climb onto the Yolkomotive. Knucks and Shadow continue to struggle, groaning in pain.]
Sonic: He's not gonna stop.
Izzy: Stop Him!
[They puts away the shield and spin attacks And Magic Attacks Nine, stopping his laser attack. They all both fall, while Knucks and Shadow recover. Sonic and Nine And Mane 7 fall all together through the tower, continuing to fight each other. Nine hits Sonic's regulator and kicks him And Hit Sunset Wings And Kicks Her. The screen cuts to black and the credits appear.]

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