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Panty was seen in a hotel room with a man who was done and out of it.

Panty: Come on are you fucking kidding me? Faster does not mean better. you asshole.

Man: Dude, you're one hardcore angel. You get my motor running.

Panty looks at the X's on the wall.

Panty: How is that fair? Looks at how many times you've come. I've only squirted once, and it wasn't far.

Man: You know what babe you're more like a devil than an angel.

Panty: (Glares) Real fucking profound.(Sigh) Fuck this I'm calling Eden.

She grabs her phone and calls Eden's phone. She then turned on the TV to see a chase going on.

Panty: Whoa, what's going on here?

She heard something and spoke.

Panty: Heya Eden~ Mama needs her soon to be man to talk to.

Stocking: Panty! Are you watching the news.

Panty: The fuck are you doing with Eden's phone?! And no I'm not.

Stocking: Then are you diddling another doucebag?! Get your skank ass out here and help us!

Panty: Fine, I'll go but you better tell me why you have Eden's phone!

She puts on a jacket.

Man: I wasn't kidding, my bike is wicked fast.

Panty: (Looks back with a smirk) Yeah, guess what fuckface. A little technique doesn't hurt. Oh and thanks for the ride.

Somewhere else

Two cars drive fast through the streets of Daten with the police behind them.

Ghost: Get out of the way losers! That means I'm gonna run your asses off the road. And no one can stop me!

Eden: Keep it still Stocking!

Stocking: I'm trying but this fucker is stupidly fast!

Eden aims the gauntlet and tries to shoot the car.

Eden: HA!

Eden shoots fireballs at the ghost but the ghost dodges it.

Stocking: Come on!

Stocking crashes into the ghost car making it laugh.

Ghost: HAHAHAHAHA! Aw, are you trying to catch me kitty cat and Slimy Lizard?! Well bring it on bitches! But to be honest I don't you're gonna be able to handle what I'm packing! That means I have a big dick!

They crash through a mall.


Stocking: I prefer Joecking.

Eden: What is with you and Panty shipping are names together during a fucking ghost fight bitch!

Stocking: Well I'm sorry but it should be obvious we like you fucker!

Eden: (Blush while growl) Just shut the fuck up and keep it steady!

With Panty she was on the Motorcycle as she was enjoying the breeze.

Panty: Nice. These boots are fantastic.

As she was driving she heard crashing knowing the problem.

Panty: Bingo.

We now cut to a Karen talking a woman holding a small dress.

Eden's Panty and StockingWhere stories live. Discover now